Far too many people don’t really get around to thinking about the legacy that they so wish to leave behind to valued others, until the 11th hour, and then when they ponder upon such, recognize that perhaps way too much of their time and energy has actually been misspent. Then there are those others that simply believe that leaving behind a nice “nest egg” is good enough, to take care of their responsibility to their family, without really recognizing that those that don’t know how to handle well monetary gifts and material things of substance, are going to be susceptible to having those very things, that in western nations seem to offer or to represent security, dissipate at an unexpected rate without a corresponding safety net, established.
Indeed, it would be far better for each one of us, to look upon our life as our opportunity to leave behind to others, things of substance such as our example, as well as the words we have spoken and written, that thus represent good and sound advice. This thus means if more of us, would pay attention to how our behavior and how our words and actions influence others, with the understanding that such influence, baneful or good, impresses itself upon those others, we would then be more considerate of the actions and words that we thus perform. In truth, what we leave behind, once we get beyond the material goods, of those that have such, is our effect upon others, and of which, once we have departed this world, we will not be able to enact from that realm beyond, the ability to successfully reach out to love ones and good friends, to let them to know the vital importance of good deeds and correct actions, because that portal to do so cannot be opened.
For all those that appreciate the good advice, good direction, and loving attention that has come their way, then it is thereby our obligation to behave in a manner to others which reflects those very qualities, because if we will not pay such valued lessons forward to the current generation, then we have clearly not done our good duty to help make those that we care most about, and society, in general, a better place for our participation in it. Indeed, those that are older than us and are held in good respect, are able to draw upon their life experiences to thus fairly provide us with wisdom, of which, it is then thereby our obligation to learn from such and to dutifully pass such valued knowledge on to others.
In this world, there are plenty of people that desire to be on some level, immortal, of which, this is not possible for our physical bodies to accomplish here on earth, but each of us does have the fair opportunity, to pass on to others, through our mentorship, our actions, and our words, that which will live on beyond us, which is why it is vital that what we pass on to others, is that which is of merit, and not that which is of demerit.