The hidden truth behind the refugee crisis / by kevin murray

There are reasons for practically everything that occurs in society, of which, sometimes those reasons are rather obvious, and sometimes they are obscure or hidden.  We live in an age in which there is a distinct refugee crisis of millions of peoples fleeing their homeland, in search of some sort of reasonable sanctuary, so that they can thereby have the opportunity to have a decent life, if not for those of that present generation, then for those of future generations.  When it comes to western nations, it would seem that on the one hand, that they are often quite accommodating, sympathetic, empathetic, and helpful to refugees, but on the other hand, they can also enforce an iron hand against those same types of refugees.  While it is understandable, that sovereign nations should desire to have some sort of reasonable control of their borders, and that they should also have some sort of fair policy to the accommodation of refugees as well as to their numbers, what often is not discussed, is how come there are so many refugees to begin with.


We live in a day and age, in which though colonialism has ostensibly ended, it seems to have been replaced by neocolonialism, in many a case, which essentially means that many of those nations that appear to be independent, having gained that independence from their previous colonial masters, aren’t really independent, whatsoever, but rather they are often subject to present day economic exploitation of their mineral and labor resources, for the greater benefit not of their own nation, but of the multinational corporations so exploiting those resources for the greater benefit of that which was their master colonist, in the first place.


So too, western nations have the disturbing trend to not actually desire that democracy be the form of government in third world nations or of former colonies, because they see democracy as a political system that is hard to control, to influence, or to dominate from the outside, and further that democracy in those foreign nations has a strong tendency to desire to steer their own ship, for better or for worse.  Rather, what western nations prefer is for the government of these former colonies and third world nations, to be autocratic in nature, in which that government therefore is able to remain in firm control of its people through the usage of the armaments so provided to that country, all done with the expressed purpose, that as long as western nations get what they want from that nation, that all is fair which happens within that ostensibly free and independent nation.


So then, the upshot of all this interference into other nations’ sovereignty, is that the people within it, because of the oppressive conditions, or low wages, or the endless warfare so occurring, are going to strongly desire to gravitate to other nations, which appear to them to provide the twin benefits of opportunity and sanctuary.  That is to say, as much as western nations wish to believe that the siren call of those western nations, places a spell upon third world nations or former colonies, the more proximate reason for all of this refugee crisis comes down to the seminal fact, that people are going to vote with their feet, when they recognize that they have no good future where they are currently at.