We read at democraynow.org, that “The U.S. has about 750 overseas military bases in more than 80 countries.” Further, we read at the conversation.com, that the Comptroller’s office “estimates the total cost of overseas bases and deployments at US$24.4 billion in fiscal year 2020.” So then, to the degree that these bases along with the military personnel that go along with such, are needed so as to provide support to foreign nations that we are allied with, or to the degree that such is needed in order to support commerce in the trading of goods, then these military bases would appear to have a good purpose, behind them. However, it has to be said, that when it comes to the compensation for these military bases, that the United States seems to do a rather poor job in getting those that are the biggest beneficiaries of those bases to pay their fair share. In other words, if the presence of United States troops, along with its attendant military armaments on those foreign bases serve to desist other unallied nations from bad actions, one would think, that there should be an appropriate price to be paid to the United States, as some form of tribute to the United States for that protection.
The bottom line is that when our military is stationed overseas for the defense of allied nations or of corporate interests, that those that are the beneficiaries of such, should then be obligated to pay their fair share for that sort of security. After all, whenever the United States is not benefiting from this expenditure, directly or indirectly, of these monies expended for those foreign bases, then these foreign bases should be shutdown. Indeed, this is why each foreign base should be questioned as to its expressed purpose and also should be subject to a budgetary review, for how else can this nation demonstrate to its own people that it is being responsible with the monies so being allocated to these overseas bases.
When it comes to the expenditure of military monies for foreign bases, it has to be recognized that there really needs to be a net benefit to the United States, or else those that are its citizens and hence its taxpayers are being cheated of that which they so pay in taxes to this nation. So too, in an era in which this nation, can’t even come close to balancing its budget, we should see far more sensibility demonstrated by those that make the decisions, day in and day out, about our foreign military bases. In short, to believe somehow that 750 overseas military bases in over 80 countries, is necessary, or even mandatory, is foolishness.
Indeed, the United States spends more money on its defense budget than the next ten countries, combined. This would indicate that every ally of America, needs to be put on notice, that they have a responsibility to pay appropriate tribute to the United States, for the protection and security that this nation thus provides for them, and if those nations will not, then the United States, should simply pack up and leave. In life, there are no free lunches, of which, the sole superpower in the world, the United States, has an obligation to let that be known.