The type of misguided philosophy that thereby believes that “by any means necessary,” or that “the end justifies the means,” or anything else along these same general lines, in which, supposedly, this seems to mean that as long as a given worthy objective is achieved, it doesn’t much matter the pathway that was utilized to get there, is wrong. What needs to be acknowledged is that it always matters, how we get to where we get to; for in actuality, for all those that cheat and use trickery to get ahead, these people and those institutions, having cheated, are never made of the same stuff, as all those others that did not cheat, and thereby got to where they needed to be, through their honest effort and good principles, above all.
We live in a day and age, in which at the very top of governance, and at the very top of corporate power, we see demonstrated day in and day out, those that clearly are lying to us, deceiving us, and providing us forthwith with reams upon reams of misinformation, in order to better manipulate us. Perhaps for some of these people and institutions, there are valid reasons for doing so – which can be something along the lines as simple as believing that the general public, “can’t handle the truth,” and things of this general ilk. But again, it is a mistake by any governance, for these supposed servants of the people to decide that for our theoretical benefit, that they will only provide the true picture of what is really going on to those with a real need to know.
It is a very slippery slope, when outright deceit is the calling card of our national government. That is to say, when the information that is so often provided to us, is distorted, untrue, and just plain fundamentally a lie; so that, it therefore isn’t thereby possible for that general public to give their outright consent to anything of substance -- because it doesn’t have the full information so needed to make an informed decision or to provide their consent to that governance. So too, once a government decides it is going to consistently lie to the people, especially about those things which are most important and meaningful to them, then this isn’t a nation of, for, and by the people, at all, but a bastardization of such, instead.
The main reason why this government is so often not transparent, not inclusive, and prefers for the common man not to actively participate in the democratic process, is because that government doesn’t want to have any sort of open forum or vibrant debate with the people; but rather it wants instead, to get done what it so gets done for the benefit of those that are the true actuators of that governance and thereby for the exclusive benefit of those elites. So then, what we so have is a bill of goods, which is if not wholly fraudulent, mainly fraudulent, and of which our own labor through the taxation of such, along with the conditions that we live under, are provided to us, mainly by those in government that deceitfully wave proudly that patriotic flag, but are in substance, the most unpatriotic of the people’s representatives.