Every single person has suffered some sort of tragedy or sorrow / by kevin murray

We live in a world, in which, oftentimes, based perhaps on a “zero-sum” perspective, each of us is prone to becoming more involved in doing what we can to take care well first of our own domain, and if this so entails, stepping on someone else’s foot, or worse, so be it.  It is that type of selfish mindset which forms the basis for all of the misery, tragedy and sorrow, that we see so often in this world; never seeming to recognize that our human commonality, one to another, should be the very basis and raison d’etre for formulating vibrant communities which constructively work seamlessly together, one with another.


It is well to remember that it seems to be always easier to destroy as compared to create; so too, it appears simpler to be vengeful rather than to be forgiving; and it also seems far easier to be intolerant rather than to be tolerant.  But the thing is, when we are hateful, vengeful, and selfish, we find that in the scheme of things, we typically have successfully resolved nothing in a way and manner in which such has been done in a just and fair or even a lasting manner.  That is to say, when our mindset is always set upon having our way, we will invariably have conflict with all those others that have the very same mindset – basically, then ignoring the essential characteristics that we would need in order to help to make us be more empathetic one to another.


What each of us needs to do more of, is to recognize, that every one of us, has suffered at some point in our life; and, of which, a significant amount of us are still suffering from personal sorrow and tragedy.  In truth, the grim reaper, spares not one soul; and tragic events seem to occur with regularity to those that are good, as well as to those that are bad.  So then, in the abiding knowledge that we all have suffered, it would thereby behoove us, to be far less judgmental in regards to others and where they are in life; and thus far more understanding that a helping hand has significant more value, than a scolding tongue.


As for those types of situations in which we feel that we have been disrespected, unappreciated, or ignored by some other person, for what we believe to be for no good reason; we have to take into fair account, that we first of all, are not in their shoes, and thereby simply cannot know what they are currently going through or what they have gone through – which is why, it is far better to provide to other people, the benefit of the doubt before rushing to a particular judgment or a hasty action – not to mention, that for a certainty, should we be derelict in our own civility to another, we would want the same courtesy so extended to us.


For most of us, life isn’t always easy, and even in those situations in which life appears to be going so well – seemingly in a blink of an eye, all can change for the worse.  That is why, we should make it our point, to represent ourselves always as the type of person that brings light to that which is dark, and joy in our heart so expressed with compassion for all those that sorrow.