There is a fair amount of people, and certainly an awful lot of influential people, that believe that corporations are the “cat’s meow.” These people that are typically so big on corporations are quite obviously, and almost exclusively, those that directly or indirectly benefit from the profits and monies so made by these corporations, of which, some of the mightiest of these corporations, incredibly have annual sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The main reason why certain people and many corporations desire to have a laissez faire type of governmental or public oversight, is that they don’t want any undue or undesired interference in their primary business of making money. After all, when life is good for a particular corporation, they have no interest in changing a thing. On the other hand, the very reason, that America has an ever-higher and ever-growing disparity in the distribution of its income and wealth, in contrast to a more equal sharing of such, is the fact that corporate power in America has never been stronger, than it is so represented currently in the 21st century.
There is only one entity and only one force, that could conceivably hold a candle to what has become of these corporations, which as artificial creations of the state, are supposed to exist under the aegis of the state for the general benefit of the public, expressly provided as a condition for having been granted perpetuity as well as the removal in most cases, of personal liability. If this government, will not do its part to see that corporations serve the public good, at least as part of its mission, then that government has done a grave disservice to the people, for the people are subject to the laws of physical life, and have therefore a finite amount of time on this good earth to enjoy the fruits of their labor; whereas, corporations if not properly regulated and controlled, are something akin to Frankenstein’s monster, which thereby becomes a corporate beast, of which, because of corporate power, strength, size, and influence, creates a construct which is exclusively good for those corporate entities, to the detriment, of the public, at large.
Most people just can’t conceptualize how big corporations have become in the modern age, but recognize, that when corporations are able to make billions upon billions of dollars in corporate profits, each and every year, then what the general public thereby is dealing with, is never going to be a fair fight. Those then, that make up the governance of this nation, have a sacred duty to the people, to do right by the majority of those people, and for a certainty, at a minimum, play fair with the people. Remember this well, the lust for profit and the desire for power, is a siren call that many find themselves inclined or compelled to, and as part of that drive for profit and power, many a corporate officer, is going to be sorely tempted to offshore as much of the work and labor that they possibly can for profit, as well as to cheat the tax authorities by the abusing and taking advantage of the tax code for their own corporate benefit, and are susceptible to “doctoring” whatever documents need to be “doctored” in order to circumvent pollution and environmental laws, when so deemed necessary, and finally, will do whatever serves their purpose to strangle in the cradle, any nascent labor union activity. In truth, only the government has the necessary power and sharp tools to check corporate power and greed, and when that government is ineffective in doing so, or co-opted by corporate influence, then the end result is what we so see, today.