This is what happens when communism fails / by kevin murray

The very idea and concept of communism, seems on the surface, to be something that would appeal quite vividly to all those people, that have little or no material worth, along with having no good prospects of ever getting there; because communism in its form, promises that all goods and property will thus be owned by the people collectively and in common; sort of like one for all, and all for one. The fatal flaw of communism, is the apparent deliberate lack of understanding that human nature, in far too many cases, is not only selfish in its personal desires, but seldom believes that they and everyone that they so interact with, are equally deserving of the same thing; or in simple terms, that everyone is now and forever basically entitled to the same material goods, without regard to effort, education, throughput, or skillset.

The actual way that communism has played out in the real world, is that there is not now, and probably never will be, a true communistic state. Rather, a significant amount of people that live in ostensibly communistic states have often been cheated out of getting a good and living wage, while also being stifled via the lack of an impactful voice in the political realm, along with suffering from the arbitrary rule of law, in addition to their inability of receiving fair access to private property, and in particular, a home to thereby claim as their own. We so find that the usual true beneficiaries of communism are those that represent the state, along with those at a high level that provide the necessary muscle and spying apparatus to keep therefore the people in line. So pretty much, communism, as practiced, is a government that has an elite that owns everything, while also having the corresponding power to suppress all those that would have the audacity to wish to oppose such. Still, as might be imagined, there is always going to be in-fighting between those at the top, along with pressure from below, in which the people and institutions get ever more difficult to control, which thereby leads to the fall and collapse of some of these communist nations.

It would be nice, if the falling of a communist nation, thereby meant a better construct for the people in general, but as in most things, in which a vacuum is created, of which, those that once held firm control of the assets and arms, have either departed from their country for safer shores, or disappeared in one form or another, is that almost immediately upon such a change, there will be ambitious others that will gravitate to this opportunity, of which, virtually none of these people, are going to be commoners, whatsoever. Instead, a meaningful portion of these replacements are invariably going to represent the muscle of the former communistic state, in the sense of military power and spying acumen; as well as those others that are well placed in the most important industries within that nation, that will thereby take over such, for the benefit of those few. In other words, when what is called communism disappears, what it is replaced with is seldom a real improvement of empowerment so being provided to the people, but rather, nothing much more than the passing of the baton to typically a combination of those that are oligarchs in principle, along with top military personnel, that are in their effect, just as bad as what they so replaced, leaving the people, bereft of much of anything, though perhaps hopeful, that the new boss won’t be quite as bad as the previous one.