The reason why God created us / by kevin murray

There are a lot of questions that we should desire to know the answer to; of which, some of those questions are going to be of the nature, that we can't even begin to formulate them, until we have reached a certain stage of maturity and wisdom.  So too, when those questions come to us, if we are observant and conscientious, we are going to do our level best to not only find the answer to such, but to also make sure to diligently apply that answer to that which we so do in our life.


One of those questions, that we need the answer to, is not only the why of our existence, but, in particular, the why of the reason of our creation by God.  Perhaps that question cannot be answer in its totality, because of the limitations of our mind that thereby precludes us from a full comprehension of God; but nevertheless, this is a question, that deserves our serious contemplation of.


So then, with the understanding that we can't know for a certainty of that answer, in its totality, we can still logically speculate, that God created humankind partly for the purpose of testing the character of such creation in a free will environment; in which, in a sense, God cheated a bit, by making sure to place within the essence of each one of us, the innate desire to not only remember that we are God's good creation, but also to have inside of us an instinct to know that our souls would never find complete rest and solace until we were once again re-joined in harmony with our Creator.


That is why, therefore, that so many of us, are unsatisifed and dissatisfied with some aspect of our lives, because we know that somehow that no matter how satisfying we may so feel on a given day, that often that sense of whole satisfaction is fleeting, as if we are forever trying to catch mercury; whereas, what we really should be trying to catch, is something that is always going to be there and specifically be there for us, through thick and thin -- because this essential essence was always meant for just us.


So then, we each have a precious treasure map, contained within our psyche, that thereby pings us day in and day out, to search for that treasure, so available to each one of us, of which, we must, in order to succeed in that search, tellingly readdress our minds so as to meaningfully turn away from those constant distractions of modern life, to thereby hear the still, small voice within.  That voice, never yells, but it is persistent, because that voice cares about us, and will never relinquish its desire to see that which was freely created by its hand, joyfully returned to the bosom of its Creator.


This world that we currently live in, seems to be so real to us; but it truly only exists as a valued proving ground for those that exist here, to thus challenge the character of God's creation, to therby prove its mettle, and by succesfully doing so, to become that which they were always meant to be, God's co-creators,worthy therefore of being an integral part of the light that never goes out.