Poor diet leads to poor health / by kevin murray


The physical body needs nourishment in order to sustain itself; of which the food and drink that we so partake of on an everyday basis, absolutely matters.  That is to say, not all calories are the same, nor are those calories that make up the food that we eat, treated the same within the body.  So then, those that consistently eat foods that have been fairly labeled as “junk food,” because of their lack of good nutritional content or that eat foods that have been manipulated in a way in which the best nutritional parts have been substituted with something that is inferior, are going to, over some period of time, reap what they have sown, which is damage to the physical body, so demonstrated by diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart ailments, and stroke.


The thing about eating is that both the mind and the body can easily be tricked by not only the compelling and enticing advertisements that we see via television and social media, but also by the taste of such, in which, there are lot of food items that have been sweetened or configured in a manner in which the taste is pleasing to us, thereby leading many a person to believe that if it thereby tastes good, it must therefore be good for the body.  Additionally, what we so grow up eating, has a strong tendency to stay with us, so that when we are brought up eating certain foods that aren’t healthy for us, and of which these foods are comfortable to us, it’s going to be a lot harder to break those eating habits at some future point, in order to embrace some other foods, that would be better for us.  Finally, there is the fact that budgets for families in regards to food, varies considerably, in which, some families have a tight budget, that thereby has them gravitate to what they can so afford, which in a lot of circumstances, in regards to those food items, leads to that which is poor in nutritional value, though for the most part, those so buying these items, aren’t really aware of or can do much about, that needful fact.


Those that consistently eat a poot diet, often are able to keep the dogs at bay, for a long period of time, for the eating of that which is unhealthy, typically takes a considerable period of time, to work its damages upon the body, but damages they will so come.  Those then, that wonder why diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and strokes seem to be so prominent, in a nation that is known as the “breadbasket” of the world, seem not to comprehend that those that suffer from poor health, often have the contributing factor that their diet has correspondingly also been poor.


We live in a day and age, in which never has so many food items, been so prevalent, though not all that is currently labeled as food, deserves such a label, for that which lacks nutritional value, shouldn’t really be called food, but rather should be properly identified as being the health danger that it actually represents.  The fact that so much junk food is produced and consumed, reflects that those that are in that business, care mainly about the profits so being made, and apparently are blithely unconcern about the long-term negative ramifications that hurt those that consistently indulge in such.