As much as America desires to sell the narrative that the United States is a “classless” society, as well as being a country of meritocracy, equality, and the land of opportunity; we do so find that while these words and sentiments do indeed sound noble, the reality of what is really going on in this nation, is pretty much something entirely different. While it is true that America has never had a formal class system, with titles signifying nobility and stuff of that sort; what it does so have is definitely an implicit class system, in which those that are at the very top of it, lived entirely different lives from those at the very bottom, in every single aspect of their lives, signifying that all those at the pinnacle of the upper class do not see America through the same prism, as those others that are the most impoverished and disadvantaged of the lower class.
Further to the point, those that have high-status, have, by definition, the accouterments that come with that status, such as owning the best homes, living in the best neighborhoods, attending the best schools, eating at the best restaurants, buying the best things, while also having the best networking connections, then everyone else. On the other hand, those that have the lowest status, don’t have any of those things, but rather are sorely lacking in each of them, and additionally, because they have no status, aren’t in the place or position in which they can by even their own best efforts, reasonably expect to generate the escape velocity to improve their lot, one iota.
This thus signifies and puts the lie to the belief, that in America, one’s status is not set at birth; for in more cases than America would care to admit to, those that are born with the proverbial “silver spoon” in their mouth, are always in a very good place, and of which, it would necessitate a whole lot of ill behavior by those born into that environment, to ever fall from that grace, though it does occasionally happen. On the other hand, those that are born into the direst of circumstances, live in the type of America, in which everything seemingly conspires against them, so as to keep them in their poor place, and thereby they are stuck in a construct, in which there is no future, for there is no hope; though occasionally through extraordinary efforts there are a few that are able to break free from that which has previously unjustifiably constrained and bound them.
The thing about status, is the fact that far too many people, associate that those that have material success, have somehow earned it, legitimately; whereas, the truth of the matter not only has far more nuance to it, but often hasn’t taken into fair consideration that those that are privileged and favored to every possible extent, have been provided with an inherent advantage that makes their subsequent accomplishments, far less impressive. Yet, it is these high-status people, that regrettably hold the power reins of this nation, of which these people, see themselves as the natural leaders of this nation, thereby doing primarily in action that which benefits their class and their status, at the expense of not only the general public, but especially those that have no voice, and no dreams to believe in.