There are a lot of people that believe that we live within a Constitutional republic, or basically a democracy to such. On paper, that may well be true, but the test of any Constitution so written and the test of any government so created of, for, and by the people is how that government behaves in times of a real crisis; for if that government at the those trying times when it needs most to provide a fair forum to the people to voice their concerns, of which, that government is sworn to protect and to serve, such; instead, does everything possible to quell reasonable dissent that the government has perceived as being a hindrance to what those that run the government so desire, than the people have been effectively betrayed, by a counterfeit government, that cares only for its agenda, above all else.
The whole point of having the right of free speech, along with the right to peacefully assemble is to have a public forum to express grievances as well as suggestions to that government, of which, that government is supposed to be a good steward to the people, and not its master. If, in point of fact, the government for the most part is accommodating and considerate to the people, that indeed merits respect; but, however, when that government is put to the test of a real Constitutional predicament, in which in response, that government proceeds to put the hammer down upon the people, along with its heavy boot upon the people’s necks; then, in whole, the people are subservient to that government, and apparently will only be accorded respect and some degree of liberty, when they are in conformance with the orthodox dictates of that government, and that alone.
There should be a true rule of law in this great nation, of which, the value of the judicial branch of this government, is to properly enforce that rule of law. Yet, tragically, the Supreme Court of this country, has proven repeatedly during its history, that time and again, when push comes to shove, of which, that court has had the vital opportunity to take a stand on behalf of the people’s right to free speech and dissent, that the court, has consistently, folded its hand, and thereby negated the very Constitution that it has sworn to uphold and to protect.
Those that effectively run this nation, are not fools, and they will therefore seldom broker any meaningful dissent for any appreciable period of time. In fact, they will, if their perception so warrants, do everything possible, to control the narrative, to stamp out what they determine needs to be stamped out, and will be absolutely relentless about doing so, and therefore they care not a whit what the Constitution stands for, or stands against. So too, those entities and people that are dependent upon the government, either directly or indirectly, in some way, form, or manner, are therefore easily susceptible to having to toe the line of what that government so demands of them, for those that have essentially sold their souls for profit, or for security, will themselves obey, such, and care little for what so needs to be imposed, as long as at the end of the day, they are made whole or better, by that government.