Not too surprisingly, in a construct, in which many people are so self-centered, that they can’t readily see beyond their own needs and desires, and of which, even those of passable intelligence, are content to confine their belief to their existence as something in accord, only with human beings as being a special creation, or a truly exceptional evolution, or as the unique creation of God, and therefore they consider everything else in the universe, to be for all practical means for them, of no real concern or purpose.
The thing to know about the universe is that it is estimated that the size of the universe is around 93 billion light-years. To believe, then, that in that entire universe that there is no other intelligent life, should boggle the rational mind, as being both irrational and stupefyingly dumb. This then, is the type of belief that comes forth only from those that are not deep thinkers, or the simple-minded, or the narrow minded, because to believe that the cosmos has no real purpose or design behind it, doesn’t make any real good sense to any active thinker.
So too, those that express their dismay, that humankind has, in theory and to date, not been able to definitely discover alien life forms, should be of no real concern; for in truth, many a society and civilization has been built around a certain core belief that is unassailable; of which, when evidence is presented that successfully challenges that belief such is typically suppressed, often, for as long as possible, for the supposed good as well as the stability of that society.
The thing about the cosmos and other life forms, is that it is far more logical to believe in the existence of such, and therefore to then recognize that each of us, in turn, correspondingly needs to probably express more humility; for humankind is in all likelihood, not the highest or the greatest intelligent life form in existence. We intuitively know that this is true, just based upon the fact that in the thousands upon thousands of years of humankind’s existence, the tale that has been written has often been one of deceit, war, pain, suffering, selfishness, injustice, intolerance, and hate.
This would seem to indicate that until humankind is able to rectify and to resolve its ways in a manner in which it can peacefully coexist with its own kind, that its exploration and direct contact with alternative life forms, and them to us, will be necessarily minimal; for until that time when the belief that “might is right” is replaced by the sensible knowledge that we are all created equally and are therefore all equally entitled to the fruits of this sphere, then humankind’s advancement forward will continue to be stymied.
The true purpose of this great cosmos, is never going to be one of conquest and enmity, but rather it is the universal bonds that we have together in the sense of our core being, of which, those that self-identify only with the physical have clearly lost their way; for what we really are, is that consciousness that actuates us, and which seeks always to connect with that which represents the universal and eternal harmony.