The United States is a Constitutional Republic. However, ballot propositions in regards to new laws and appeals of old laws, amendments, sales taxes, user taxes, and many other things of interest to the general public are typically voted upon, in which in many cases, a simple democratic majority, effects such into law. So too, most of our representatives, whether they be local, county, State, or Federal, are democratically elected by the constituents of that germane area. In addition, even some judges, and some law enforcement officials, such as sheriffs, are democratically elected. In short, the ballot box, provides a means for all citizens that are eligible to vote, and have thereby exercised that enfranchisement, to make it so known, by their vote, what they do or do not support.
The strange thing is, that many things, that clearly are supportive, almost exclusively, of the very rich, or the well positioned, somehow are able to consistently get passed, even though the majority of American citizens consist of the lower and of the middle class, of which, those propositions so passed or representatives so being elected, would appear to be on a fairness and economical level, inimical to the lower and middle classes of America. One could argue, that it is the amount of money so being spent, the advertisements and propaganda so being created, that induces the lower and middle classes to consistently vote for what would appear to be against their own interest, time and time again, but it appears to be more than just that.
In truth, a significant amount of the lower and of the middle class do consistently vote their own interests; however, there is also a fairly meaningful percentage of those that seem not to, primarily because they buy into some segment of a proposition or of a representative that serves to take precedence over pure economic interests, quality of life, and fairness. For instance, some citizens have a very strong view upon the sanctity of human life, of which, their belief is that this begins at conception, so that because this is so important to them, they put that first, in regards to a particular candidate or proposition, and pretty much dismiss everything else. This same type of thinking is similar, in regards to candidates or propositions that involve God, usually consisting of an incumbent strong belief in Christianity and Christian values, including traditional marriage. Additionally, there are many people that hear the siren call that no expense should be spared for the defense of this nation, domestically or abroad, and whichever proposition or candidate fits that bill the best, gets their vote.
There are then many that vote in a manner in which they don’t consider their vote to be miscast, even though in many cases their economic interests and overall quality of life will be damaged; of which, this occurs primarily because these particular people are unable to readily comprehend the full picture of what is being evaluated, or they are somewhat deluded in their reasoning. What the lower and middle classes need to spend more time contemplating and considering, thereof, no matter which way they vote, is whether or not, the result of their voting is providing them with a better life, and if not, they should probably consider changing their voting pattern, because those votes are certainty helping somebody and something.