“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” / by kevin murray

The above quotation comes from the incomparable, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and each of us would do well to remember this wise sentiment so succinctly expressed.  But instead, what we so often find and especially so in these western nations, that frequently have the audacity to believe that they are so civilized, so smart, and so above it all, is that humankind seems to feel in so many ways and in so many respects, not to have a need of acknowledging its spiritual identity, and therefore it has little or no interest in what they consider to be the mythology of God.


Whether or not a given person or civilization, does or does not believe in God, or whether they believe that they are spiritual beings or not, does not change the fundamental fact that each one of us is a spiritual being; so then, those that will not consciously admit to such, or even try to suppress such, for their own reason, good or bad, are the ones thereby to suffer for dismissing that which is true for that which is false.


It would behoove each of us, to understand that first of all, we are eternal, and we are eternal because we are spiritual, and that which is spiritual, cannot be destroyed or eradicated, ever.  Our experience in this worldly realm should best be seen as the ultimate proving ground -- of being challenged to prove that when provided with the liberty and the freedom to make a given choice, without any limitations imposed against us, other than the limitations that being in a human body with a mind restricts us to, that what we so do, is in keeping with that which is consistent with justice, fairness, and agape love.


The most important number in life is one.  There is just one God, one truth, one whole spirit, and therefore we are all ultimately one.  This so signifies that our objective should always be in this human experience to see our commonality one with another, as opposed to contributing to that which serves to divide us.  This does not signify or necessitate that somehow that each of us must or should be a cookie cutter cutout of the other; but rather that we are each in our own way, different from one another, but in our substance and in our creation, we are exactly the same.


Another way at looking at our human experience, is seeing this experience as something akin to somebody that has to deal with the world, while lacking the necessary eyesight so needed to actually visualize all of that which is going on around them.  This thereby means that they have to somehow overcome that particular limitation, yet, many a person without eyesight, have subsequently been able to do such, with aplomb.  So too, our physical raiment for many a person can seemingly “blind” us from seeing that we aren’t at our core, physical at all, but spiritual.  Those that are therefore able to take off their self-imposed blinder to visualize that they are in actuality, spiritual, are the very ones that are best suited to help guide those that are lost, to that which will open their eyes.