Retaliation for wrongs so committed against us / by kevin murray

While we do read in the New Testament, about the value of turning the other cheek; even those of the highest moral standards are susceptible to striking back at their opponent or their instigator, at some point; and oftentimes for good reason, so of.  Unfortunately, we live in a world, in which justice, doesn’t seem to fully take into consideration the full story of a given event; of which, for instance we do so find, that it is often the person so retaliating that seems to suffer the most unfairly from the justice system; perhaps because such retaliation appears to be to a neutral party an overreaction or unwarranted.


The thing about retaliation, is that in a lot of cases, it isn’t one thing that triggers a response from a given person, but frequently, it’s instead, unrelenting provocations, so done to the other, day in and day out, in which a given person, thus reaches their reasonable limit and thereupon strikes back.  So then, for those that are not the participants, so of, and thereby have only seen the response, it can appear to them, as if the person so striking back, is overreacting, and because of their overreaction, are thereby the one to thus suffer the heavier penalty; in which, ironically, these retaliators are considered to be the instigators of their own trouble.


In life, there are always two sides to complete a story; and further to the point, those that are most devious and especially clever in an evil way, can be quite good about provoking trouble, in a way and manner, in which their desire, is to get a reaction from their opponent, at a time in which, such reaction by the other will be mostly perceived by outsiders, as being wholly wrong.  In truth, most everyone has a trigger point, and some people are quite adept in triggering that from another, so done, for often the purpose of getting that other person in trouble, and thereby gaining for the actual troublemaker, the benefit, so of, at the expense of the person so retaliating.


So then, when we look at the troubles that America has, in regards to crime, poverty, ill-education, lack of opportunity, and violence; there seems to be a justice system so set up that specifically targets those that do not adhere to the expected standards of civil behavior and right actions, thereby making those particular people, prone to being marked as potential trouble to the state.  Thereupon, the response by the policing arm of the state has often been to see that those that fit the description of being difficult or incorrigible, is to put their boot down hard upon their necks, in order to thus make it a point to these targeted people, that there is a rule of law, which must thereby be obeyed.  But what has been forgotten, or perhaps is wholly unseen, is that long standing historic treatment that has been unjust, capricious, unfair, and prejudicial to a certain segment of society, will when having reaching its collective trigger point for them, have as its result, retaliatory behavior – and so what is happening in our society, writ large, is that those that are considered to be the “malcontents” are often those that are responding through retaliation to what has been an unyielding amount of provocation.