Here is how to reduce crime by 50% or more / by kevin murray

America absolutely loves to lock up its criminals, of which, there is no other western nation that comes close to the incarceration rate that America so represents.  While there are a multitude of theories of why there are so many criminals in America, the bottom line is that there doesn’t seem to be a “magic bullet” which will successfully reduce that crime rate to something more reasonable, which exists over the near horizon.  However, in consideration, that as reported by, that men “…have an imprisonment rate 14 times higher than the rate for women,” and further to the point that forcible rape is almost exclusively male in origin, along with the fact that murders, burglaries, and robberies are all at a 85% or higher rate of males being the perpetrators, so of; it would be fair to state, that the criminal element, is dominated by males, and thereby the solution to reducing crime would seem to be as simple as the reduction of males within our society.


We live in an era, in which our medical profession has gotten ever more competent in being able to artificially inseminate a given female, of which, by controlling which chromosomes are so utilized in that insemination, we do so find, that the sex of a given child, can undoubtedly be successfully controlled for.  This thus signifies, that if a nation, so desired to have a higher percentage of females so being birthed, and made that their resolve; and further to the point, provided a financial incentive to do so, along with the accompanying governmental support in regards to the care and nurturing of that newborn, then, in all probability, the birthrate of females would thereby, far exceed the birthrate of males.


No doubt, in a world in which, for instance, the new births of females outnumbered males, by, for instance, a ratio of two-to-one, this would make for a significantly different construct than we do so have presently. It has to be recognized that the era of brawn, is in the past, and we live now in an era in which robotics and machines, so of, are often quite capable of picking up the slack of having less manpower, than before.  While it is true, that our family structure, would materially change, with considerably less males in the population; it is also fair to state, that never has there been more single-family households than we do so see today, of which the vast majority of such, are currently female led.  Additionally, it has to be stated, that having no male in a household, is materially better than a useless one.


So too, when it comes to our laws, our representatives, our judicial decisions, and our businesses, in general; it is a given that women have different priorities and thereby support different initiatives than males do; of which, females are known for being far less bellicose, far more civil, far more accommodating, far more caring, and far more reasonable, than males are.  This thus signifies that more females thereby so represented in our legislatures, in our governing bodies, and in the laws so made and enacted, would probably represent a more nurturing world, and therefore a far less vindictive and violent one.


We do so find that for generation upon generation, societies have been almost exclusively patriarchal in structure, and what we so see, reflects how poorly that has gone.  So then, if we truly want a better society, one that is also safer and has far less crime, then we need more females, and far less males.