There are plenty of white people, that don't have a second thought about all the advantages that they have, on account of simply being born white in America; but advantages they do have, whether they desire to own up to it or not. Of course, there are those situations in which, some white people aren't really born into all the full privileges of their race; because, for instance, they are clear representatives of the lower social class, but whether they have all of the privileges of the white race or not, they still, are almost always recipients of at least some of those inherent advantages by virtue of being birthed white.
Even if this country made it a priority to straighten up its meandering pathway, of equality and egalitarianism, it would, almost for a certainty, take generations, for white privilege to be knocked down to where it wasn't accorded some meaningful degree of advantage. After all, when the history books celebrate almost exclusively white achievements, and white greatness, and when all of its Presidents that are accorded the most respect are invariably white, it's hard then not to come to the reasonable conclusion that by virtue of being white, this thus signifies superiority, in absence of any other indications that would negate or contradict such.
In today's America, truth be told, white people that do a reasonably good job of presenting themselves as seemingly decent and sensible human beings, can pretty much go wherever they want to go, at any time of the day, or night, for that matter -- and even those people that control the streets in certain minority areas, will probably still give these white people a free pass, under the impression, that if a given white person is so bold as to be in their neighborhood that they then must for a certainty, be the type of person that should not be messed with. On the other hand, any other race, audacious or stupid enough to do the same sort of thing, would certainly suffer for their ignorance.
So too, it must be recognized that the policing arm of the state, in situations in which snap decisions have to be made, are going to typically default to defending the white man, while instead often harassing those of other races, figuring that in the worst such case, these officers can probably still reasonably defend their actions to those in authority, and actually essentially get impunity for such. Additionally, this same basic prejudicial attitude favoring the white race, seems to exist, almost without exception, with the general public, as well; so that, in absence of conflicting information, a significant swath of people usually default to seeing white people as "decent"; whereas other races will often suffer from the default of being seen as something "less than."
In short, for all those that are white, that seemingly can't recognize their ingrained privilege, there should be a requirement, before any given white person is provided with a driver's license or similar, that they must do 72 hours of community service, in which their body skin and face must be colored differently to thereby have them represent a different race, and of which, they would be subsequently be relocated to a different community in which nobody would know them, and of which, within that community they must then perform their community service. Perhaps a meaningful lesson would then be learned, perhaps not, but at a minimum, at least for 72 hours, they would know "nervousness."