Live long enough, and each us will invariably see significant change in our respective lifetimes, and in this modern day and age, in which change seems to be ever more frequent, then that change that we see appears to be continually happening all around us. Still, a lot of people find it difficult to wrap their heads around how important it is to embrace change within, for example, their own work environment, in order to thereby stay competitive, employed, and relevant – as compared to all the other change which surrounds them, and therein lies the rub.
While we may well appreciate the next iteration of great products, or the innovation of new products, we have to also keep in mind, that seldom do we have to volunteer to be the "guinea pig" in order for these products to come to fruition, which signifies that we can usually adapt to what we so choose to adapt to at our own pace and volition. On the other word, work demands that we conform to the expectations of our management, and therefore when we ourselves are too innovative, we may well find that those above us, are challenged by the potential of that innovation in regards to their own job security or status, and consequently they may push back against us, or maneuver themselves in a way that stifles what we are trying to achieve for the greater benefit of the company.
The danger to society, at large, is when those that are the biggest and most influential players of that society, are too set and inflexible in their ways, of which, in feeling so very comfortable in what they have, as well as in the position that they have obtained, along with the accouterments that go along with such – we do so find that when new ideas and innovations are brought to their attention, the first thought that may well come to their mind is whether or not their position and power will be maintained, enhanced, or diminished. Those then, that fear for their personal security of position and power, are thereby the very same people that aren't going to willingly embrace change and thereby will do everything within their influence and position to negate or delay such – which is the very reason that there is so often a changing of the guard in regards to which companies accelerate with their innovations over the other; as well as being a significant reason as to why smaller companies, again and again, are able to successfully take market share from industry leaders.
So then, all those that are content to rest upon their laurels, or to treat their position as something to be protected at all costs are the very same people that stifle innovation, and thereby provide the basis for the good opportunity for upstarts to have their day. No doubt, for some people, change is the very thing that they fear most, for they prefer comfort over having to stay on the cutting edge of innovation, because in that comfort, they are satisfied; and to keep that satisfaction, they will first think of protecting their turf, rather than welcoming in innovative and necessary change.