“Justice is the end of government” / by kevin murray

In Federalist Papers No. 51, James Madison, stated that “justice is the end of government,” of which what is meant by that esteem sentiment is that the very purpose of good governance is to bring forth a civil society in which those that are members of it, have the highest degree of their good potential so being fairly achieved, which makes for the betterment of that society.  Unfortunately, in today’s America, there is a massive chasm between those privileged few that are wealthy beyond belief, in contrast to a suffering underclass which is poorly served, ill-educated, and often devoid of opportunity and hope, which is proof positive, that in America, justice has not been served.


This signifies, that fundamentally, that our Constitution as implemented, and despite its lofty words and great purpose, has ultimately failed the people; for far too many of our citizens are devoid of having justice, tranquility, good welfare, and the blessings of liberty, but are instead exploited, dismissed, abused, discriminated against, and caged into ghettos and prisons of despair. 


The main problem with our government and governance at the present time, is it does not serve the people in whole, but serves instead those powerful and well-placed personages and corporations that have co-opted it for their own greed, influence, and their unending lust for ever more wealth.  This government is therefore not of, by, and for the people, but it is anything but that.  That is a most unfortunate condition, for the only entity that has the power to make fair what is foul, is the government; for without the force of government, exerted against those that have corrupted our good Constitutional principles, the battle for justice is futile and is effectively lost.


Where there is no justice, there will be no peace, and never will there be peace, no matter how many guns, shackles, and chains are so utilized by that oppressive force to maintain and to augment their own power.   The good people of this country deserve better than the counterfeit governance that they presently have to frustratingly deal with on a daily basis.  Rather, America should be the envy of the world, for its overall wealth, for its Constitution, and for all its great advancements so made, but instead it has squandered what it so has to become instead a grand façade, which fools few, and annoys many.


In so many ways and forms, America has given up on being a meritocratic and egalitarian society, but instead has devolved info factions, all fighting for an ever-decreasing slice of the pie, and thereby going at each other, tooth and nail for their entitlements, while those that are the exploiters of humankind, that have fixed the game so that it always favors them, get ever richer, upon the backs of those that they use and then callously discard to the government, for that government to take care of, when their usefulness to the corporate bottom line has been fully and completely drained away from them. 


The point of good governance is for the betterment of the people, in whole, for this is justice; and all that which hurts the people, or favors the few at the expense of the whole, is unjust.