This world is full of much trouble and tribulation, of which, the only hope for this planet, and societies in general, to become a more harmonious place is especially for those that know better, to behave by their words and by their actions in a manner in which more compassion, more understanding, more empathy, and more forgiveness, is generated one person to another, as contrasted to being small-minded and vengeful, for those wrongs so done against us, real or imagined. Life is not supposed to be about getting even, but rather life should be about showing kindness to those that have been unkind, love to those that have been unloving, and concern to those that lack concern; in which, by doing so, we hope to lead by our example, to thereby show that there is a way that is a better way.
That which is of most value, is that which we will not willingly give up, easily; which rather than consisting of just material things, should be that which makes for good character, such as patience, persistence, justice, and truth. Therefore, why should any of us, be quick to relinquish that which is the epitome of goodness through our losing our self-control because of the words and actions of someone else that is not having a good day, and therefore has apparently taken out their anger or frustration upon us. After all, words so meanly spoken against us, we need not accept, or take to heart, for our righteous judge is not of this world, but rules above such; and those actions taken against us, even that which is harmful to our body, should be seen as being part and parcel of the suffering that each of us most so endure, in order to fairly earn the prize above all prizes.
People, throughout societies, without exception, learn things of import from the deeds of those that they respect; and when those actions by those esteemed others are wrong or in error, those that are in the process of learning, typically will end up making the same sorts of mistakes, as they have previously witnessed – until they at some point develop the wisdom to understand the futility and folly of that which does not bring lasting satisfaction or peace. Each one of us, by our decisions so made each and every day, and by the thinking that is behind those decisions, have the choice to free ourselves from giving in to our worst impulses and snap decisions, by making it our point, instead, to desire to uphold the highest virtues of civilization, such as integrity, temperance, and charity, by demonstrating to others those very attributes, especially when hard pressed by difficult circumstances to do that very thing.
Many people do not know what they are doing, and many more know what they should be doing but lack the character and judgment to consistently do such; it therefore, falls upon those that are enlightened to illuminate the pathway for those that are lost, confused, misguided, mistaken, lazy, and weak, to thereby encourage them to take the steps so needed upon the right pathway – of which, we get their attention and subsequently help to persuade them to actually do such, by maintaining and expressing our love, when lesser beings would strike back at a wrong with retribution, whereas we, on the other hand, forgive and lend a helping hand.