A lot of people believe in their heart, that propositions so fairly voted upon, in which one side of that proposition receives more votes than the other, means that the proposition has passed and therefore that proposition has become the law of the land and should subsequently be adhered to. Although that might seem to make perfect sense, it must be properly understood that just because a majority has passed some specific legislation does not mean that the proposition, itself, is Constitutional in its application or in its effect. In other words, not every law passed or the interpretation of such, is Constitutional; which is an extremely important point to understand, for it must be recognized that the only thing that really separates good people that are in vulnerable positions of a given minority viewpoint from the tyranny of the majority, is the fact that highest law of the land is the Constitution, and all laws that violate the Constitution are null and void.
While majority rule, certainly seems sensible, it is not going to be sensible all of the time, if that majority is not held under Constitutional restraints, of which those restraints as adjudicated are thereby superior to whatever a given majority so desires to have happen. For instance, if the majority simply voted that they should have their particular taxes reduced based on some prejudicial criteria that favored that majority, while a specific minority of people should have their particular taxes increased or other things of that sort; then what would essentially have occurred is that this country would have devolved into a construct in which the powerless, or those on the minority side, would have to serve the powerful, or those on the winning side. That wouldn’t be fair and that wouldn’t be right; so that, it must be said that the founding principle behind the Constitution, is that each of us is accorded rights, that are there to protect us from a misguided or unenlightened majority.
Further to the point, we are provided with the responsibility of voting for our elected representatives of which it is the people’s duty to first and foremost to hold those representatives accountable for their actions taken, and additionally to see that what those representatives do on a given day, is as transparent and as open as possible for the citizenry to therefore be able to stay fairly informed of what is so occurring under their name by those representatives. That is to say, it seems as if few people are all that happy about the governance in their nation as well as governance in their community, of which, if this be the truth, then it is up to the people, to construct something of meaning in order to effect positive change by holding their representatives responsible or else the people will continue to be marginalized.
This is supposed to be a Constitutional government, of, for, and by the people, of which, the simplistic viewpoint that the majority rules -- is superseded by the highest law of this land which trumps that which is not in harmony with that Constitution. Further, though we are all entitled to vote our self-interest and even to promote such, that self-interest must be in adherence to Constitutional law, for good governance is meant to take our initial selfish desires and to mold such into one nation, united.