The internet and freedom of expression / by kevin murray

People have a natural inclination to desire to socialize with others of the human race.  The beauty of the internet is it allows people to communicate seamlessly with people all over the world, of which, unfortunately, when those communications are subject to eavesdropping by governmental or corporate interests, this stifles the openness of such communication.  Additionally, those that are not directly part of any communication, may not be correct in their personal interpretation of words so spoken or written; as well as the fact that conversations which are taken out of context often taint the understanding of such.


When everything that we say and show online, is thereby subject to governmental purview, review and censorship, people are obviously less free, as well as their being thereby susceptible and vulnerable to manipulation and to being compromised by governmental agencies as well as their hidden actuators, as applicable. 


A world society that freely and responsibly shares one to another is going to be a healthier world, that intuitively understands our commonality, which thereby helps us to overcome any long held ingrained prejudices and makes for a better and safer world; but when that domain is upset by the powers that be, in which, we are afraid to express who we really are, and of which we are punished for not being compliant to that which monitors us -- we have created the seeds of our own miserable and terrible world, and what will be reaped will definitely be an oppressive state of limited unalienable rights.


The internet deserves better than to have been co-opted by governmental and corporate interests, to therefore be used against the people, so as to manipulate, control and to harm them, all in obedient service to these undeserving overseers.  The words that we write, the social media that we post, and the back and forth of our communications should not be overseen by anyone or any authority without our expressed and authorized permission.


Governments will tell us, every day, all day, that for the good of society and for the defense of society, that we need to give up some of our freedoms in order to have good protection and security; but this is a false construct, for those that do the watching, almost without exception, do themselves not desire to be watched.  This signifies, that those that claim that what they are doing is for the betterment and for the safety of our community, but are not completely and fully transparent in all that they say and do, are deceptive, they are liars, and they are wrong for what they stand upon.


The internet should be a legitimate forum dedicated to the freedom of expression with very limited and circumscribed government and corporate oversight.  No doubt, there are going to be bad actors that use the internet; then again, there are bad actors that are in government, as well as there being bad actors in the highest echelons of corporate offices.  Humankind does not need constant monitoring by those that claim to have our best interests in mind but really don’t; they never have, and they never will.


Each of us has been gifted with unalienable rights, using the internet, should reflect that, no more and no less.