This world of deceit, and the world to come of no deceit / by kevin murray

As much as we might want to believe that those closest to us are trustworthy, honest, upfront, empathetic, open, and always having our best interests in mind, this sadly is seldom the case, and we pretty much know it.  It isn’t so much that the people that we know and love, don’t really care about us, or are deliberately deceptive to us; for rather their shortcomings has a lot more to do with the fact that each one of us has their own peculiarities as well as priorities, along with the fact that we are limited by own imperfections, thereby, not too surprisingly, we fall short of being that perfect companion; yet, despite all this, those that we are closest to are most definitely of immense value and therefore overall are beneficial for us. 


Then there is the world that we interact with, of which, we believe that in order to best deal with that world, we are going to as a habit, have to take on various masks of civility and concern, typically, not so much because we are trying to be deceptive, but more as a process to effectively get along with others in a manner in which we are not offensive or troublesome, especially when it doesn’t serve any good purpose to be so.  However, there are those words so spoken and mannerisms so displayed, that while adhering to good social standards, are not in reality, the actual way that we are presently feeling or believing, but rather are in disagreement with such.  The fact that we do have those conflicts, are part and parcel of why we are grateful that nobody can read our mind, or know our innermost thoughts; though in truth, because that which we really are is hidden, we end up essentially being untrue to our real self.


So then, because we know for a certainty that we can get away with lying or deceiving people through misdirection and the like, we often find ourselves in that quandary of knowing that who and what we so represent to others, is in fact, not who we really are, and because of that character trait, we have only served to place ourselves in the unenviable position of postponing that which must be faced -- because for a certainty those tricks so used in this world, are definitely those tricks that are untenable in the world to come.


The essence of the matter is that truth and justice can be rather easily circumvented in this world, but those tricks of the trade cannot be utilized when we face that which knows us, and that which cannot be deceived even a whit, so of.  This so signifies that it is in our best interests to the degree so possible, to drop the pretense and the masks that we are so prone to wear, and to deal with others in a manner in which we respect them as people that are deserving to know us as we really are; so that together, those characteristics that need to be worked upon and improved upon can so be done.  It is not, though, that we need to search necessarily for some party to confess our faults to, but rather it is that we need to own who we are, foibles and all, and make it our point to do what we can to be a better person to others, as well as to our own true self.