Amazon and Walmart are non-union / by kevin murray

It probably isn’t any real news that Amazon and Walmart are non-unionized, for most people are pretty much aware of that, especially those that work there; but what many people might not know, though, is that these two powerful and gargantuan corporations, are also the largest non-governmental employees in the United States.   So then, it seems well-nigh unfathomable that those that do the grunt work for Amazon and Walmart, somehow would not be very interested in the value of collective bargaining, best done by establishing a union for the vested interests of those employees.  After all, employees, are permitted by governmental law, to circulate petitions, to organize, to distribute and to discuss the value of such a union, so that through the collective power of those many employees, united for a common cause they then are best able to get their fair due from those corporations that have sales in the billions upon billions of dollars, annually.


Somehow, though, unions have not been able to achieve much traction at all within Amazon and Walmart.  That would imply that the government, of, by, and for the people, is probably not doing its part to see that those that are employed at these corporations are provided with the fair opportunity to be organized, without having to suffer the undue fear of retaliation or unemployment.  That is to say, employees understand the value and the need to work, and thereby often are fearful to do much of anything that would be interpreted as “rocking the boat,” and union activity is most definitely one of those things, that Amazon and Walmart take very, very seriously as being inimical to their respective business.  Further to the point, seeing that information is indeed a form of power, then it probably is a certainty that both Amazon and Walmart are well aware in detail of what is really going on in regards to incipient employee union activities, and deal with it forthrightly in a manner in which they are at a minimum able to control the narrative.


If all the employees of Amazon and Walmart were well paid, with consistent hours, great benefits, and were also eligible to avail themselves of some sort of profit sharing, then, quite frankly, union activity would not serve any great purpose.  That though, is certainly not the truth, and in consideration, that those that work at these companies, are almost wholly powerless on an individual basis, this thus means that the only real hope to make substantive progress in the labor payrate and conditions so of, is through the strength of many people, so united, into one union, so as to have some semblance of a real voice and thereby for that union to negotiate for those employees, something of real substance from the executive offices of Amazon and Walmart who are well able to pay a fair salary, but clearly prefer not to.


The fact that Amazon and Walmart are non-union, should undeniably tell every American one thing, which is that the game of capitalism as practiced in America in the present day, is corrupt, unfair, and clearly skewed to make the elite ever richer, and to do so upon the backs of those that they exploit, mercilessly, and that this government quietly sits idly by, because it apparently does not care to help the common people.