The etymology of the word "religion" / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people that are religious, or claim to be religious, so therefore it makes sense to understand the origin of the world religion.  In Latin, we derive the word religion, through the word religare, which means "to bind" as well as the word religio, which means "obligation, bond, and reverence."  So that, in short, those that are religious, are by definition, those that have a reverential bond to bind one to another in the understanding that those that are religious, thereby comprehend that they are therefore meant to be devoted in unity to something beyond them, that necessitates the adherence to the structure and rules of that religion, so by that common purpose, they have created out of many, one.


So then, while the pathway to religion, or a particular religion, or a belief in a religion, while being to a certain degree a journey that is solo in that it comes from the will of that one person desiring to know truth; it so too, also invites that person to bind together with those other believers in order that they become united, in which, therefore, that religion, can be of greater benefit to the whole.  It is important to note that religion is not to be a blind belief, but rather it is supposed to be liberating for those that are lost, so as to find that which will enlighten them.


All of this signifies, that the purpose of those that are therefore religious, is to therefore, have that religion make not only their own life, one of more purpose, one of more focus, and one of more reverence; but also to join together with others of like-mindedness, so as to bind together into that which makes those that are united, stronger and more vibrant, not only to one another, but to be of more benefit for their community.


It is vital to remember that for all those that are religious, that a true religious call, is always going to require a corresponding commitment upon the person so becoming religious, to value not only the religious vows, mandated by that religion, so as be in harmony with those other believers who are of the same faith, but also that such a faith is never one that is blind, but rather one that is liberating for the person of that faith, because the very purpose of religion is to replace darkness with light.


This thus signifies, that those that bind together, and are bound to the religion of that faith, while becoming united one with another, must make it their point of principle, to thereby see that their most appropriate calling is to be one of uplifting their fellow sojourners, so as to be of the greater benefit for their community, in thereby fulfilling their dedicated calling to be a good neighbor, which is thereby actively displayed in the good deeds so done day-by-day, and with the foreknowledge that those that are most appropriately religious are always those that show their respect to that religion, by helping to make the world a better place for their having  and living that belief.