When it comes to the people that actually attend church regularly, our eyes do not deceive us, as time and time again, the representation of many a given church, skews markedly older than the given population demographic of that community. In other words, older people are more diligent and spend more time and also make a greater effort to attend church services then younger folks. While, no doubt, there are a multitude of reasons of why this is so, of which, one reason is as straightforward as the fact that senior citizens typically have more time on their hands, and perhaps less other social obligations that they are obligated to; however, the most salient reason though, would have to be that senior citizens are expressing by their attendance the fact that religious services means something of significance to them.
In truth, those that are young, have a lot of things on their minds, of which the meaning of life and the consideration of mortality typically isn’t front and center of what is upon their minds, though it may indeed come up, from time-to-time. Rather, many younger people are trying to live life and to work diligently upon achieving their goals and aspirations, while also spending time socializing, and basically trying to obtain those good things of what life so offers to them; thereby, leaving them far less time to spend in activities such as quiet reflection and church attendance. On the other hand, many older people have often achieved whatever that it is that they were going to achieved, and along the way they have picked up all sorts of experience and knowledge in all sorts of areas, and now at this later stage in life, actually do want to get answered some of the most fundamental questions in life; such as the purpose thereof, and whether, for instance, that they have done enough for others with their given talents or not.
So too, in church, unlike in the material world, there isn't any debate about whether God exists or not, for it is a given, that worshiping in any church, necessitates an eternal omniscient God. Further to the point, those that feel that their mind is fatigued or wavering, or that their body is beginning to betray them, or both, are going to have a tendency to spend some time thereupon contemplating the inevitable, which is that there will come that point when their physical form will no longer be part of this living world. This thus signifies, that what is left to ponder, is the eternal destiny of one's soul and those that are old, are going to in many cases, want to place their immortal soul into the most favorable position that they can, because the stakes that are being played for, are exceedingly high.
So then, older people are most cognizant that the bell will toll, soon enough, and therefore they are hoping that within their attendance at church, something of merit will occur that will enlighten them, benefit them, inspire them, direct them, comfort them, or help them. After all, people are prone to worry about all sorts of things, of which a lot of that worry is over that which is relatively trivial, but that which worries those that are nearing their end, is probably that worry which is eminently worth worrying about, for when one light goes out, surely most people would prefer that a brighter one instead takes its place.