More and more laws so made is oppressive / by kevin murray

The fact of the matter is, that Holy Scripture lists just Ten Commandments so being applicable to the people; and our Savior, subsequently reduced this to just two great commandments.  Yet, we live in a civil society of which there are so many laws, and codes to those laws, thereby applicable to the citizenry of this nation; of which, unfairly, certain segments of that citizenry are far more prone to being adversely affected by those laws and codes, obscure or not, thereby being enforced by the policing arm of the state that even those that are most circumspect in their behavior, at all times, are, should the powers-to-be so desire, subject to being arrested and persecuted by some application of those laws, at any time.


In reality, the more laws that are passed by legislatures, the more people that will be subject to failing to adhere to some aspect of those laws; yet, there is not one single entity within this country that can expound the logic thereof, the reasoning thereof, and the coherence thereof, of all the laws so having been passed and thereby why each one of those laws is correct, necessary, and does not in any way, form, or manner contradict some other law.  In fact, the laws as exercised in this country are done in a manner in which, anyone at any time, for just about any reason, can be arrested for something, and thereby lose their freedom; of which those that are most especially vulnerable, are all those without a voice, un-favored, un-championed, and typically without the necessary monetary means or connections to effectively fight back.


Additionally, the prevailing purpose of all these laws being in the arsenal of the policing armada of this country, is to sell the illusion that this government always adheres to the "rule of law", and thereby those being arrested are being arrested via some violation of some specific law, so written upon the arresting papers, subject to that individuals' opportunity of having their day in court, with the implied recognition that in America, all are innocent, until proven guilty.  The reality though, contradicts this narrative, as millions of Americans each year, never get their fair day in court, and never even get bailed out from their involuntary incarceration, but rather are essentially placed into the unenviable position of having to make a plea to a lesser charge in order to either secure their freedom, or if not free, in order to ameliorate the full force of the state incarcerating them for some extended period of time.


It is to America's lasting shame, that it purports to be a country of laws, equally applied to all, of which justice is seen as being impartial, and that therefore there is liberty and justice for all, when this is not true.  Rather, there can never be justice in any country in which the laws so enacted and enforced are done so in a manner in which some are subjected to the full force of laws upon laws, so written and exercised so as to control specific segments of the population; whereas others, can do whatsoever that they so please, with no interference by the policing state, because these others are functionally immune from such. 


That which successfully resolves pressing issues in nations is never the passage of more laws, but rather, the construction of that which provides for its population, better opportunities as well as a playing field, leveled out.