United States corporations are significantly under-taxed / by kevin murray

As reported by statista.com, "In 2019, corporations in the U.S. made profits of around 2.25 trillion."  Further, as reported by taxpolicycenter.org, "… the federal government collected about $230 billion in corporate taxes in 2019."  This signifies, that corporations paid an effective tax rate of just 10.22%, and of which, it must be remembered that individual taxpayers, are subject to Federal tax rates of up to 37%.  The bottom line is that corporations are way under-taxed, and need to be taxed at significantly higher rates for the betterment of the country.


The first thing to note, is that corporations are artificial creations, so created by state sanction for the benefit of that state, and of which nowadays these corporations are basically permitted to exist in perpetuity; so that there are corporations that so exist in America today, that have been in existence for over 250 years.  Unlike, a human being, that has a finite amount of time on this earth, and if wealthy enough, will be subject to estate taxes, there is no opportunity for the government to ever implement an estate tax upon a corporation because corporations are functionally perpetual.  This thus signifies that it behooves this government, of, by, and for the people to thereby subject corporations to the highest tax rates of any entity so taxed in America, because those taxes that are not collected, today, thereby accumulate, effectively forever, in the coffers of those said corporations.


Additionally, the taxation of individuals most definitely hits those individuals directly in their pocketbook; as opposed to the taxation of corporations, which is done upon the profits so made, which directly impacts that artificial entity, known as a corporation, as opposed to a given individual, or group of individuals.  So too, the United States government has in recent decades, consistently been running sizeable budget deficits, of which, thereby to cover such deficits, that government has to borrow money for today's needs, and thereby charge such borrowing and that responsibility so of to future generations.  Rather, it would make much more eminent sense to tax corporations of America in a manner in which instead of collecting such at a mere 10.22% of corporate profits, that a more reasonable percentage so being collected should be closer to 33%, which would make far more sense, and thereby would increase tax collections, such as in the year, 2019, from $230 billion to $742.50 billion at that 33% rate, or an increase of $512.50 billion which would, in many a year, make a significant dent in the yearly federal deficit, so of.


Quite obviously, there are few that so desire to be taxed, yet, the massive discrepancy in wealth and assets so held by the elite of this country in comparison to those that are at the bottom, or even the middle thereof,  needs to be addressed in a manner in which instead of sticking the great middle class of this country, with the bill, or placing such into the hands of those yet, unborn; this needs to be placed directly upon the shoulders of those artificial creations of perpetuity, so as to collect fair monies from these companies.  The bottom line is that those that have far more than enough, need to do far more, to pay their fair share, so as to make this a country that actually is of, by, and for the people, as opposed to being in the prevailing control and hands of powerful corporations.