Harmony and disharmony / by kevin murray

The greatest music ever written and heard, is that music which is harmonious in its effect upon the human psyche.  Each of us is meant to be harmonious, in all that we say and do, and that which is disharmonious is that which is out of tune with that which brings on quietness of the mind, and the subsequent satisfaction to the soul.  For each of us, has an instrument to play or a song to sing, of which, we are meant to play that instrument or sing that song in a manner that is keeping in harmony with the great actuator of this universe; and of which, we are thereby provided with the opportunity to practice our instrument, again and again, through the life experiences that we so have, until we become at some point, proficient at that instrument, and therefore in harmony with the mystic chords of our Creator.


Life does not necessarily need to be as complicated or as dramatic as so many people make it out to be, for so many are so caught up in their day-to-day activities, that they seemingly don’t ever have the time, to calm their mind so as to ask and to subsequently search for the greatest and most important questions that they truly need to see answered, satisfactorily.  Then they wonder why their lives aren’t as peaceful or as harmonious as they so desire, never seeming to comprehend that those that do not understand the why of their existence, are not in the pole position to best figure out where they ought to be and how best to get there.


We are meant to make wonderful music, together.  To the degree, that we can be in harmony with one another, that is what we should aspire to do.  Those then, that are disharmonious, should not be seen though as people necessarily to be avoided, at all costs; but rather to the extent that we are able to, we should do our good part to help these out-of-tune others, in the meaningful areas that will serve to help improve their circumstances, so that they can therefore do their good part to be that which they were always created to be.


There are many people that mean to do well, but are somewhat befuddled as to how to accomplish such, or sometimes even where to start.  One should always start at the beginning, of which, at that beginning, we should learn the structure of what does make for good harmony, and therefore having properly learned that harmony, we should then mirror back to that which is mentoring us, our form so correctly learned, and continue to do such, until we have mastered the basics, just right.  Once that is accomplished, of which, there may well be setbacks and obstacles to be faced, we therefore now have the experience and knowhow to properly accomplish our part so as to add to the good harmony of this world.


Those then, that are harmonic in their thoughts, in their subsequent actions, and in the music that they so play in their interactions with others, have through their efforts and concentration, conquered sin; whereas, all those that lack consistency, or strength of character, or simply don’t care, are disharmonious, and this then, is what is also known as sin.