There are plenty of people interested in public service, of which, a true public servant, is someone that has the best interests of that society foremost in their mind. Many people believe that those that serve the general public are entitled to the privacy of their family life as well as their personal interests, which certainly feels fair, but only to a certain point. After all, those that aren’t able to govern their own family and personal interests well, or their own self, for that matter; probably are not going to be the best selection for governance in the whole, of which the general public is probably entitled to some degree of fair accounting of that private life in order to help formulate a more informed decision, so of.
While there are people that believe strongly that what someone does behind closed doors, is their own personal business, that is not always going to be the case in every single instance, for those that are provided with some sort of public faith, have an obligation to be willingly transparent with those that they are working on behalf of. That is to say, if people are one way in public, and a completely contradictory way in private, that would presuppose that there is a disconnect between who that person really is, and what they are so representing, which can easily be troubling and problematic for those that have been trusted with the public purse in the accomplishing of the most appropriate thing for that public.
Further to the point, when any society appreciatively lacks enough numbers of those of good character interested in public service, and thereby hopes somehow to successfully self-govern itself, that is going to be improbable; for those that can’t properly control or monitor themselves well in their private sphere, are probably not well suited to step up in the public sphere so as to do the right thing, either. This thus signifies that what does happen in private, does matter, and any country that lacks enough members of good character willing to serve that country is a society that is going to be led not by the good people, themselves; but instead by an entity or an organization or a strong man that knows how to manipulate, use, control and to rule the people, in a manner in which, above all, that governmental leadership receives obedience and compliance from the people.
The bottom line is that governments and societies are made up of people, and those democratic societies that do not have enough qualified men and women of upstanding integrity to properly lead them in self-government, will effectively become a government of opportunists and of those that are the richest and most powerful amongst them. Those of the people, that sensibly look around, and wonder how it is that very little of substance and value is actually ever accomplished by those in governance, must recognize sooner or later, that what has so happened is that those that are incapable of well governing their own private affairs, will be outplayed and outgunned by those clever enough to take control of those that are conflicted, divided, and incapacitated, so as to have things benefit their implicit interests, at the expense of the people, in whole.