Help is always needed, so help / by kevin murray

Far too many people find themselves getting overwhelmed from time-to-time in regards to the complexities, disappointments, and tragedies that this world presents, on a seemingly daily basis.  While all of this may seem to be way too much; the secret to addressing these tribulations really comes down to not being overly grandiose but rather dealing with such on a much smaller and personal basis, in which the objective is for each person to do their part to provide needful help, where they can, and as often as they can for others, that are suffering or hurting, unduly.


Too  many people tend to be mistaken in their belief that their seemingly insignificant positive actions don't amount to all that much; but it is in those little positive actions, committed time and time again, that lend itself to making communities and civilizations better, for all.  This signifies that anytime that we can provide a helping hand to someone in need; we should do our part to do exactly that.  After all, anytime that we do our part, we are helping to make things better, and anytime that we fail to do our part; we are not contributing in areas in which our contribution is needed.


Life is almost never about the need for us to do magnificent and generous things on some sort of epic scale, but rather has a lot more to do with doing the little small things that will help ourselves as well as others in the making of our communities, better places to live and to grow in.  Further, more people need to take to heart, their definition of what being a good neighbor really is all about.  For some, they take this in its most literal meaning, which signifies, that they have an obligation to be a good neighbor to their actual physical neighbor, of which, if they do this, at least it can be said they are doing something of merit for someone else.  That said, the real principle of being a good neighbor, is the same principle about being a good Samaritan, which is that when we see someone that is in need, we are provided with the opportunity to be of service to that other; in particular, a person that we don't even individually know, of which those that do so, are true to that which really matters.


But no matter as to whether we do all we can do for others in need or not, it is in the actual doing, that we are able to provide help to others, and every deed done for others, is providing the help that will in its own way, make for better communities and for a better world, and every little bit does help.  While each of us can moan about the upsetting dramas in life that we come across far too often, recognize that those that help in their own way, are being heroic, and those that are heroic are the very people that help to make this world more bearable, more tolerable, more livable, and more loving.