The United States government has not had a budget surplus since 2001, and does not project to have a budget surplus, let alone a balanced budget, anytime in the short foreseeable future. In fact, based upon how massive the deficits are continuing to be, for whatever given reasons, spurious or not, the present government does not appear to have any intention to balance its book, ever. While having a budget deficit, sometimes is necessary in order to preclude or ameliorate a recession, or in times of war, or other valid reasons; for the most part, most of the deficits so run, come down to feckless and lying politicians that refuse to tax the very entities that can easily afford to pay far more in taxes, as well as this government not being prudent in the allocation of how the people's money is spent.
To the degree that the government, sees their expenditures of money as something that they need not necessarily concern themselves about, is the degree that the way that things are being conducted presently, will not soon change. The great hypocrisy that this government has foisted upon the public, is the belief that this government, can continue to run deficits, indefinitely; when for a certainty, there will come a time, when that money so being borrowed will have to be borrowed at an appreciably higher interest rate, or that those that are the creditors to such massive deficits, will impress upon these United States, conditions that will force the United States to get its fiscal house in order, in which those that will suffer under those conditions, are the very people that make up this country. However, what is so unfair about this picture, is that those that will carry most of that fiscal load upon their shoulders are, to a very large extent, not going to be those that are retired, but rather those that are in the prime of their lives, and will have to do all of the heavy lifting, in order to conceivably right this ship.
The great shame of this government is that it lacks the courage to tax those that it should tax at a much higher rate, which are the richest and most powerful people and corporations, within this nation. Further, it refuses to have the present generation, tighten its belt, so as to live within its means, thereby putting off until tomorrow, what should forthrightly be dealt with today. After all, spending other people's money is always a pretty darn easy thing to do; whereas, getting people to pay their fair share for that spending, requires consistency, fairness, transparency, and determination.
It would be one thing if all these deficits so being run at the present time, all had a grand purpose behind such: for instance, in the creation of a nation with good healthcare, good education, good housing, good job opportunity, and good infrastructure for all segments of that population. That, in and of itself, would be sensible, and would be a prudent decision to make on behalf of the people. Instead, America, has done virtually none of these things, and appears to have the mindset, that the only real business in America is for the most powerful and richest people and corporations in America, to cheat the tax system, to thereby cheat their government, and for that government to subsequently sell the illusion to the people that all is well, when such systemic fiscal deficits are indicative that all is surely not.