United we stand, divided we fall / by kevin murray

Mankind's greatest delusion is to see the world only from an  exclusive self consciousness, and not to take into account, that this world is filled with millions upon millions of other inhabitants that have the very same unalienable rights as each of us does; no more and no less.  So that, the very first lesson to learn is never going to be that each one of us is egotistically special, in the sense, that we are above others; but rather, that each one of us has been created by the very same hand, and are not only equally entitled to the same fruits, but are always forever equal in the eyes of our Creator, without exception.


This thus signifies that the only real race for mankind is for mankind to truly become united as one, for we are all of the same common cause.  The separation that we often perceive in regards to others, is a tragic false construct which has to be overcome if we are to ever have lasting peace, in which those that have the most progress to make, are the ones that stumble over the simplest of differences, such as the color of our skin, or our place of origin, as these most basic of traits have absolutely nothing to do with the character of our person.  Further to the point, those that are quick to judge others are always going to be those that believe that shortcuts and snap decisions are somehow part and parcel of what makes for good discernment, when this can never be so. 


Each one of us is truly a work in progress, of which, the first step in the continuance of good progress, is when interacting with other people to do so in a manner that wishes the betterment and good of that other, for to not be able to see the equal validity and the humanity of the other person, is to misconstrue others into categories, such as superior or inferior, which incorrectly diminishes either our own worth or theirs.  Certainly, this is not an easy mindset to grasp; yet, it is a fundamental truth that must be acknowledged, for mankind has suffered again and again, from misjudging their own selfish importance at the direct expense of their neighbor's importance.


The very motto of the United States is the Latin phrase: e pluribus Unum, which translated means: "out of many, one."  This signifies that the very purpose of these United States, is for all the many people that have come into this country from all over the world, and hence from a multitude of backgrounds and cultures to be recognized as equally valid members of these United States, in which the abiding principle of this country is for all of these people to become united as one people under the same flag, with the same unalienable rights, of which all are equally entitled to the same attributes of  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 


To the degree that we feel oneness with our own family and our very close friends, we must also be more than willing to put forth the same sort of dynamic effort to encompass more and more people into what would thereby become our ever widening circle, for that is what we are called to do, for we all are in the very same world, together.