Getting away with murder / by kevin murray

America is a very violent nation, that literally stands alone in comparison to every other western nation, in the amount of its citizens that are murdered each year, of which the proximate cause of all these murders besides the fact that America is filled with enclaves of impoverished people that are in hopeless situations, is to a large extent because of the sheer amount of firearms in the hands of their population, of which firearms are extremely lethal in what they are meant to do.  One might think, as bad as that is, that because the murder rate in America is so high, that at least the sheer amount of practice involved in resolving murders would now be close to the art of perfection; especially in consideration that with all the high-technology advances of law enforcement over recent years and in conjunction with the vast improvements within forensic science over the years, that America, alone amongst all other western nations, would lead in the clearance rate of those being charged with the crime of murder.  Regrettably, that assumption is clearly false, in which as reported by, "In 1965, the nationwide clearance rate for homicide was 91%; in 2017, it was just over 61%," which is absolutely appalling, and indicates that those that murder other people have a 39% of not even ever been charged with the crime of murder, let alone convicted of such.


In consideration, that murder is the wrongful taking away of another person's life, one would think that this particular crime would be a very high priority for police departments in conjunction with justice offices to see that such would be resolved at not only a very high rate, but done in an expeditious and thorough manner.  Rather, it would seem that though a whole lot of people are being murdered, that the police and justice departments are so often seemingly clueless about who has done it, and subsequently can't even find a suspect in nearly 40% of the cases of murder.  While the reasons why this is so may be myriad, one would say that the fundamental reason why murder clearance rates are abysmally low in America, comes down to the salient fact that police and justice departments are to a very large extent, not trusted and not seen as being of merit by significant portions of the population and that those police and justice departments to their discredit, often do not know the constituents in many communities that they are sworn to serve and to protect.


When certain communities are essentially seen as nothing more than areas for the police to make easy arrests for basic victimless crimes, such as prostitution, drug usage, and vagrancy, in which, those officers along with the justice department are interested in nothing more but coerced plea bargains, and easy convictions, in which they have no apparent qualms about disrupting communities, because they have the power to do so, those that make up that community, even when they are suffering from real crimes being committed against them, such as robbery, larceny, and murder, will not readily come forward to the police or justice departments, because they have consciously decided that there is no good upside to doing so, for nothing positive will occur by buying into a system that has essentially criminalized those that are poor, disenfranchised, ill educated, and lacking in good opportunity.


So that, murders in America, have low clearance rates, because there are far and away too many communities that have no legitimate police protection, whatsoever; and view those police officers that enter into their communities as nothing more than a common enemy to all.