In America, the military-industrial-technology complex is absolutely gargantuan, and continues to grow year-by-year, seemingly without end, even though in actuality there is no country, no terrorist organization, and no consortium of countries that are a real true threat to America sovereignty. The American government seems to be enthralled to that military-industrial-technology complex in which billions upon billions of monies, could actually be utilized for something of real utility for the people of this nation, and to thereby make this the greatest country on earth, but are squandered instead upon an endless stream of armaments of all types, whose main purpose is not the creation of things of good and worth, but primarily the very opposite of this, which is the destruction of that which has value and worth, in the mistaken belief that somehow war brings peace.
The only possible way to bring the military-industrial-technology complex to heel, is to quite simply, take the profit out of the whole war and armaments business; for nothing, absolutely nothing, entices and enchants the biggest and the most powerful corporations in America, then their lust for profit and thereby without that profit, or the means to that profit, their interest in the whole armaments industry would wan, for without profit, incentives fade, for America is above all, a country that is all about the money.
Of course, no business desires to lose revenue, or that corresponding profit, but just as industries that are not directly or even indirectly involved in the war effort, have the capacity to be geared up in wartime in order to create war armaments or components of, so too can the armaments industry to a significant extent, be restructured in a manner that they can create things of real lasting value, rather than of destructive power. After all, those businesses which are unable to reconfigure their skill-sets into something that makes for a better world and thereby provides a real utilitarian value to their society, have no legitimate valid place in a civil society.
There cannot be a truly civilized society, until mankind and societies, no matter their differences and their disputes, are able to resolve such through the auspices of civil discourse that involves fairness, and justice. The fact that this world is to such a large extent, living in a construct in which it is still considered legitimate or appears to be considered legitimate to kill, destroy, and to attack other countries with armaments and weapons of incredible dehumanizing force, indicates that war is somehow considered to be a lawful and appropriate action.
Again, rather than having to see that the most powerful countries on this earth are subject to modern day Nuremberg trials, as they should rightfully be, it would be far better to recognize that the Nuremberg trials already have determined that present day war pretty much will initiate either directly or indirectly crimes against peace, or war crimes, or crimes against humanity. The best way to resolve these issues of war is to take the all of the profit out of it, for once the money is gone, those shouting the loudest about the need and justification of war, will find themselves enraptured instead by whatever they have found to replaced such, with their greedy need for profit.