The United States is comprised of three branches, the executive, the judicial, and the legislative, in which these three branches provide the necessary checks and balances to assure the American people, that no one branch will run roughshod over the others, and thereby circumventing or ignoring the will of the people. Unfortunately, what has evolved since the United States has come into existence, is that the only branch of that government, that has but a sole member to it, the executive branch, which by virtue of not having anyone else inside that branch to contradict or to preclude their desires, has in those situations, in which their will is not being enforced, or recognized, or appreciated, too often demonstrated a strong impetus to increase their power by the usage of executive orders, which are thereby treated, for the most part, as legitimate federal law; in addition to using their executive powers through the gift of patronage.
The federal government has, for instance, a budget of $4.79 trillion for FY2020, which is an astonishing amount of money and obviously has within it, plenty of areas that are susceptible to undue influence, outright corruption, deceit, and flexibility when it comes to how those monies will be allocated, where so allocated, how so allocated, and commitments so made. This indicates that to the degree that the executive branch can impact the allocation of monies budgeted for various defense contracts, allocations for civil structure and outlays, and so on and so forth; in which whether or not these funds go to a specific congressional district, or even to a given State, is most definitely going to affect those legislative representatives in a manner in which they are effectively placed in a position to be compromised by that executive branch.
So then, the more power that is held in executive hands, in which that president, directly or indirectly, controls the outlay of federal funds, expenditures, and programs within certain areas of the United States, the more that presidency represents something akin to an imperial presidency, and becomes then a return back to that which the colonies revolted against in 1776. While there may even be some advantages to having an imperial presidency in the sense that things so ordered by decree, will get done; that doesn't correctly represent the Constitutional structure of this government of, by, and for the people, and it isn't what this country represents or is supposed to represent. Instead, the people's voice, which is already muted enough via poor legislative representation and lack of rectitude, will become even more of an afterthought, and thereby this country will no longer have a representative government, but an imperial one.
That said, there are still two branches of this government that can do a lot more to stop or to stymie the rise of an imperial presidency, as well as the fact that presidents, are elected, and not appointed, so that the people at the ballot box, have the opportunity every four years, to select only a candidate that represents and respects the highest law of the land, its Constitution. If then, those people of that country will not hold accountable the president to those laws of that Constitution, their sovereignty will ultimately be subsumed into that which counts them for virtually nothing.