Money and wealth is created through hard work and diligence / by kevin murray

As much as some of us might wish for us to be handed money, position, and power, without having to lift our own hand to do much of anything, this is never going to be sustainable, and certainly is not going to be healthy for societies and nations.  This thus signifies that while each of us may have legitimate needs, to thereby believe that somehow the state, or society, has an infinite supply of all that we may need is short-sighted and fundamentally flawed, for all of value that ever was, and ever will be, requires effort and work, and simply cannot be created out of mere wish fulfillment.


So then, societies are created with the members that make up that society, for the greater good of that society, of which, each of those good members are obligated to do their part to improve and to benefit that society, in which, this is successfully accomplished through education, the instilling of good values, hard work, teamwork, and throughput, by those very members.  So too, it must be said, that the fruits of that labor so being produced by a collection of individuals, are not often equally distributed throughout societies, but rather are unequal, for those through individual efforts that create more or earn more or do more, typically collect more than those that do not. 


Yet, this inequality is okay, for the more that is produced, the wealthier that society will ultimately be, and in fairness to all those that labor hard and increase that wealth, they should thus be rewarded with that which they have fairly earned.  However, to the degree in which enclaves are constructed in which some take advantage of their position, favoritism, connections and the like, to exploit others so as to benefit themselves at the expense of those others, as well as society at large, this necessitates, governmental protection and affirmative action for all those that have been denied a fair opportunity to better themselves.


Still, the answer to such, is seldom to simply take from one party and then to hand such to the other party, but rather, a far better and sustainable response is to see that those that have been previously denied opportunity, as well as the conditions that help to create good opportunity, must fairly be provided with the means and foundation to be more productive in the utilization and the development of their own minds and their subsequent skill sets. 


After all, countries and societies, become richer and wealthier, based on the diligence of their population, and not only just their hard work, but specifically, labor that is both focused and dedicated to the creation of that which has lasting and real value for the benefit of those that are members of that society.  So then, the purpose of any good governance, is to aid in the development of the conditions that will best aid in the creation of that wealth, engaging as much of the population as possible, and seeing that as many as possible are provided with the fair means to be not only truly self-sufficient and thereby to earn a living wage, but recognizes that it is the good cooperation between those peoples that helps to produce a greater prosperity for all of them.