The highest aspiration of a good life, is to seek truth, above all else; for if that is not a person's given goal, then they for a certainty are living a life of deceit, of which, the only concern would then be whether that life of deceit is solely their own personal cross to bear, or rather whether it is something, that they, more than likely, have also passed onto others of its baleful influence, directly or indirectly. This thus signifies that anyone that deliberately and knowingly espouses information that purports to be true, but that is actually false, has done a great disservice to themselves as well as to others.
So too, there are many a person that desires to know the truth, or aspires to live their lives in a truthful manner, until such a time, as they are tested by trying circumstances in which, if they continue to faithfully stand by the truth, they believe that this will surely cost them something of real value; which may be their status, or their livelihood, or something else of immense significance. If then, when put to the test, and thereby given the opportunity to testify and to uphold the truth, a given person, fails in that task, then surely it must be stated, that they have dishonored truth, by that failure.
Those that know the truth, but in their actions and by their words, deny that same truth, are obviously divided in their being, and that which is at war within itself, cannot ever find lasting peace. So that, the more that any person or any community or any country, for that matter, fails to live up to honoring truth in all that they do and say, the more division and disharmony there will be. Those that believe, that somehow it's okay to not be truthful, or to not acknowledge truth, from time-to-time, because of a particular circumstance or a special condition, believe therefore that fixed ethical and moral rules, aren't actually fixed, but are actually flexible and thereby changeable in regards to those particular circumstances and special conditions. To really believe such, is to believe that there are times when truth must thereby take a back seat to expediency and to actually believe such, is an exceedingly dangerous slippery slope.
Know this; you cannot properly honor that which you dishonor, by not living up to the standards that are required to demonstrate that honor. This means that to honor truth, you must live up to the truth, in all circumstances and in all conditions, for those that do not, desire only a cheap truth, that bends and conforms to whatever one's ego so demands. Rather, to demonstrate real honor, you must be willing to do whatever that it takes to maintain that honor, no matter how arduous and how difficult that road may be, for anything that is of immense value, demands that sacrifices be made, and those that will not pay homage to the price that truth demands, are dishonoring truth, by their self-serving deceit.