The politicians that represent us and thereupon have influence upon public policy and the like are democratically elected by the people and subsequently take their place in the public square as representatives of the people, with the commitment to faithfully do right by those people. To the degree that these elected representatives are transparent, open, in conformance to, and honest with the people in all that they do and say in regards to politics so made and the corresponding decisions so reached, they thereby represent the interests of the people quite well, and consequently these politicians are almost surely being of benefit to the people. On the other hand, to the degree that these politicians are evasive, opaque, in non-conformance to, and dishonest with the people, in which what they are really doing, thinking, saying, and accomplishing is often or primarily done behind closed doors and such is done in a manner in which if the people were aware of what was really going on, this would change their perceptions thereof; than these politicians are almost surely selling short the people that they represent, and often are doing so, in order for them or certain well positioned people or institutions, to benefit, at the expense of those people.
First and foremost, politicians are the representatives of the people, and thereby their highest duty is to serve those people, as if they, our representatives, were the very embodiment of the people, to the extent that such is possible. No doubt, in the world of politics, compromises will have to be made, and deals will have be struck, but none of this should ever be done in a manner in which the people are somehow left always with the short end of the stick.
Those that run for office and thereupon win that office, have a moral and ethical duty to serve those that have elected them in a responsible and competent manner, by utilizing their political power and influence in a way that benefits the people; in contrast to doing such, in a manner in which a few are benefited, or even just that one being benefited. It is one thing to make an honest mistake, or to be outmaneuvered or even outplayed, for this happens to even the best of us; but, it is an entirely different thing for politicians to deliberately and with aforethought strike deals that are inimical to the public at large, and especially loathsome, when done to benefit that politician, personally.
When our politicians are dishonest, greedy, two-faced, and the like; it is then no wonder why the public follows thereby in suit, by cheating on their taxes, by failing to volunteer for civic duties, and by turning their back upon the legitimate needs of their own community. A politician that is principled and dedicated to the proposition that all of mankind is equal, and thereby deserving of fair opportunity, fair justice, and fair dealings, embodies in spirit, the greatness of what these United States was created to be. Whereas, a politician that is unprincipled, represents an instigator and perpetrator of the force that would divide this very house, to such an extent, that it will not stand, and mighty will be its fall.