It is one thing to espouse noble sentiments, it is entirely different thing to live up to them. Mankind, for example, speaks nobly of our unalienable rights as well as each one of us being created equally by our Creator. Now, if this really is true, than the least that mankind is obligated to do, is to see that it does all that is possible to live up to those ideals within its civilizations, that have been created, after all, for the expressed benefit of every member of mankind.
Instead, far too often, what actually happens, is that civilizations subdivide into the most basic of divisions, in which on the most fundamental level, the few and privileged become the power players within society and aggrandize onto themselves powers that the masses do not have privy to. So then, though, we are meant to be equal in the eyes of the law, justice, and rights, the reality and practicality is that this is not the case.
This means that all of mankind typically lives not under those conditions, which augment and protects their unalienable rights as well as demonstrating in actuality their equality under the law,but rather instead live lives under those oppressive conditions actuated by certain mankind’s actions, that undermine those very unalienable rights. This then means that mankind suffers from having their rightful sovereignty and self-determination wrested away from them by the very civilization and laws that is supposed to be upholding them.
So then, civil institutions that are meant to be of benefit to the people, often devolve into being unjust and unequal in their application of the laws so enforced, of which those that suffer from this unfairness the most are those people that typically have the least say and the least voice in the scheme of things. This means that far too often the elite of mankind imposes its will upon the balance of those that make up civilizations, in order to benefit their own positions as well as to benefit select others, all at the expense of the people in whole, and thereby effectively crown their own selves as being superior to all others.
It so appears that all these constitutions, declarations, and laws that purport to be our bulwark as well as to serve for the common defense of mankind, and to thereby support and to secure those rights so provided to each one of us as our birthright; have been too often effectively bypassed by those that have taken control of such, as if they -- those that are our rulers, administrators, and lawgivers are somehow a special breed apart from everyone else, and they act as if this is really true.
In reality, the whole purpose of civilizations is for the people, to join together into one body politic, for the benefit and the improvement of all the people, as opposed to what currently occurs in so many civilizations, in which, a small subsection of mankind takes it upon themselves to act as if they are a god, or a demigod, and thereupon steal mankind’s unalienable rights to be thereby replaced with at best, bread and circuses, and at worse, various degrees of oppression, or both.