Conflict is inevitably going to occur in any civilization and within any country or series of countries. While there are myriad ways to deal with conflict, the most positive way to deal with such, is the desire to resolve such conflict through the meeting of minds as well as a reasonable accommodation of one party to another. That is to say, conflicts are never successfully resolved, though they may appear to the unenlightened to be so, by the destruction of those that we are in conflict with, for that simply takes cares of the here and now, but does not take care of the roots of the cause of that conflict. This signifies to the nth degree, that lasting peace will never occur through the annihilation of our enemies, nor will enemies harmed or unduly restrained, somehow become our friends.
In reality, the whole point of civilizations has not changed since the beginnings of mankind, which is that people voluntarily come together for the specific purpose to form a civil government, for the overall benefit and common good of those people; in which the advantages of a people, united to a common cause, are both the unity as well as the strength presented by those numbers. The trick to the successful working of this very principle, however, comes from the understanding, that we must eventually see all other peoples, especially those of different racial backgrounds, or social economic levels, or countries of origin, and so on and so forth, as equally entitled to break bread with us at the communal table of community, in recognition that all of us have the exact same unalienable rights, granted to us by our Creator, whether consciously acknowledged to or not.
As might be expected, in a world in which we appear to be so different, one from another, and in which, some of those people have demonstrated time and time again, the most uncivilized of manners, this well nigh appears impossible. Yet, in the scheme of things, it is the most civilized among us, that have the most responsibility to lead by example; for when these people, and especially these people of those highly advanced civilizations, are unable to demonstrate in reality, that they are functionally about peace, harmony, and good neighborly behavior, then how could it ever be possible for all those that are most boorish and difficult among us, to somehow magically become better behaved?
The only possible way to successfully advanced any civilization, is to first recognize that those that live by the sword, most always and forever, pay homage to that sword, so that world will always be a world that will cycle endlessly through its periods of violence and destruction. Whereas all those that live by the principle, that they will rise above retribution, and will always see or try to see the other as of equal worth and value as to their self, have begun the process of taking that which is negative and transforming that trait into a positive. That path that must be taken, will never be smooth nor even straight, but it will step by step, bend towards that which is true and just; for only those that walk and encourage others to walk towards good, will ever reach the only destination that really matters.