There are lots of situations in life, in which one person is in a position of subservience to another, of which, those that are in the superior position, prefer to often believe that the loyalty of that subservient person, is based primarily upon the respect or even friendship that this person has for that which is superior to them, and has little or nothing to do with the fact that the liberty to demonstrate one's true feelings of the one in that inferior position has been subsumed by the superior -- for in truth, that which is in the lesser position has often given in to the practicability of their given situation. The bottom line is that those that are not in the position of liberty are also not in the position of being able to voluntarily provide their true friendship to that which essentially precludes such, for that which is compromised, has not full volition, in good conscience, to do so.
So then, those that believe that loyalty and friendship can be perpetually bought, have seemingly forgotten to realize that all that can be bought, can thereby be compromised by anything else of substance, that offers a better price or a better deal. Rather, those that are truly seeking true friendship, loyalty and respect, must instead uphold that which has been gifted to each us by our Creator which is our unalienable rights; of which by those unalienable rights we are thereby provided with our freedom of choice, and of self-determination, and therefore are able to find and to make our friendships or not, based upon our free will and of that liberty.
Yet, many people, governments, and enterprises are not desirable of providing that freedom of choice, and of that liberty, and thereby spend an inordinate amount of time setting up and enforcing institutions that are deceptive in their structure and thereby ultimately compromising for the people in regards to that liberty. So that, all those enterprises that are dependent upon that deception for that supposed loyalty and that fraudulent friendship of those that they have essentially bought, have bought into a program, that requires perpetual coercion to sustain itself, of which they are never able to be in a position in which, they can relax from ever unceasingly laying their boot upon the people's neck.
Whereas, all those that have the confidence that who and what they really are, is in substance, of value and of benefit to others, desire that all those that they interrelate with, are provided with the necessary tools and protections so as to thereby make their own free choices, for better or for worse. Those that respect others, and thereby treat others as if they are one and the same in value as their own self, have no hidden agendas, but rather make it their point to always will the good of the other; in the recognition that all those that are of a free and sane mind, are the only ones that can truly give another their true friendship and thereby their lasting and abiding respect.