Income inequality does not exist in the military / by kevin murray

There is an incredible amount of income disparity in the United States, of which, the elite of the elite, are privileged with material lives of such incredible wealth, that their lifestyle and immense wealth is completely unimaginable as well as being unattainable for the vast majority of Americans.  Still, there are many people that are apologists for this type of massive income disparity, believing that such is part and parcel of what it means to be engaged as part of a capitalistic system, and further they believe that to amend such, would be in some perverse way, un-American.  Yet, the biggest employer in all of America is the United States military, and the pay rate of those employed directly by that national government in that military capacity, is surprisingly fair and sensible.  For instance, as reported by, as of 2018, we find that the pay scale for a soldier with less than three years of service who is classified as an E-2 Private Second Class on a monthly basis is $1,836; and additionally we find that the pay scale for a soldier with less than three years of service at that rank who is classified as an O-10 General on a monthly basis is $15,800.  That incredibly means that pay ratio for a General, who has massive responsibilities, as compared to a mere Private is less than nine-to-one, which in consideration of their respective duties is an astonishingly low ratio, and would be considered by well-nigh everyone, as an eminently fair compensation to all parties, involved.


When the greatest military that the world has ever known, is able to conduct its business and its affairs at a level of competence and strength, that is preeminent to any other nation in this world; then in fairness to those that insist that money is the only true motivator, and that certain people deserve to make 100 times, or 1000 times, or 10000 times the income over a fellow citizen that is employed and diligently working at a low-end minimum wage job, then clearly something is out of order, and quite arguably this does not make any logical or fair sense.  Remember this well, great disparities in wealth, and of income, are inherently destabilizing to any nation, and in addition, are clear signs that the prevailing governance of that country have failed in their duty to help the helpless, to aid the hurting, and to provide a fair playing field that provides a real opportunity for all of their citizens -- as opposed to directly or indirectly protecting and defending the few at the expense of the many.


The military is to be commended for being transparent with their salaries, while also making it their policy, that they are all part of one big extended family, and they therefore believe wholeheartedly through their actions that they have a sacred duty that none will be left behind; and subsequently they will not abandon a fallen comrade, and in fact, will go to extraordinary efforts to protect and to defend their own.  That type of mindset and belief instills loyalty, because each member of the military knows and believes that they are part of the exact, same team, which they really are; whereas, in the cutthroat world of capitalism as practiced in America, they are anything, but that.