As they say, there is a lot of power in those enterprises that pool money together from outside sources, such as what we so see in publically held companies, and of which for all intents and purposes, it would appear to be that these corporations are deliberately created so as to exist in perpetuity; so that unlike an individual human being, that has not only a finite amount of time here on earth, but will inevitably decline and fade away as time takes its toll upon a given individual's body and mind; successful corporations, on the other hand, often get stronger, better, and more powerful as time rolls ever on.
In point of fact, the truth of this very thing, is demonstrated by the awesome amount of market capitalization that the biggest mega-corporations have grown to, of which, as of October of 2020, there were not just one but four separate American-based corporations, that had market caps of over $1 trillion dollars, which is not only absolutely incredible to imagine, but the cash reserves of these multinationals were also in excess of $100 billion, each. So that, while all this is to the good for those that are investors in these companies, as well as for those that are employed at the highest echelons within these corporations, this does not mean, that at any level, that the citizens of this country, are really beneficiaries of all of this concentrated capital, but rather it means almost for a certainty, that they are harmed by it.
After all, in politics and governmental affairs, as much as people might want to believe that the government and politicians always have the best interests of their constituents, in whole, in mind, the fact of the matter is that money influences just about everything that is legislated and thereupon acted upon, and when corporations are able to achieve whatever that they so desire or have countenanced, by that government and its representatives then quite obviously, the public has been done wrong.
At this point, the only possible entity that can still stand up to these mega-corporations and thereby engage themselves to work on the diligent behalf of the people, is the national government, as no other institution can do nary a whit, no matter how much is written, talked about, or discussed in media circles and the like, about such. So then, either this is a country of, for, and by the mega-corporations that are seemingly permanent institutions, or this is a country of, for, and by the people; of which if this is a nation of the people, than that national government of the people, has no choice but to step in with the appropriate antitrust legislation and the like so as to somehow level the playing field that appears to be permanently tilted to those mega-corporations.
It isn't so much that mega-corporations are evil, but rather, that their lust for money and power, is seemingly boundless, and their desire to win at all costs, supersedes any moral compass that may or may not have ever existed for them. And if the national government as well as its representatives will not do anything but continue to enable what has already been enabled, then for all intents and purposes, that national government has been fully compromised and is effectively controlled by those mega-corporations.