First, it is imperative to note that life in this world would not exist, if there wasn't an abiding purpose behind it. So then, part of the mystery of life is to discover what life's purpose is, or more specifically, each person's personal life purpose; of which, those that are paying the most attention, recognize that clearly there are things to be learned in this world, typically through the lessons so being taught by those of true knowledge and wisdom, as well as through life experiences, and through one's perspicuity, of which through the comprehension that each individual thereby picks up or absorbs, we each begin to formulate into our minds, our purpose for being here.
So then, the ups and downs of our lives, and the joys and disappointments that each one of us so experiences, dramatic or not, are part and parcel of life's experiences, of which without these experiences, life itself, would be dull, and bordering on being essentially meaningless. This thus signifies that the lessons that we come across and deal with, are to a very large degree, the very testing of who and what we really are, and thereby the character that we so represent, fairly reflects our success or lack thereof of our competent resolving of those adventures and misadventures that we have encountered.
Further to the point, the lessons that we take to heart, are never without purpose, but always have an abiding purpose behind them, for it is by these lessons that we thereby are able to make the conscious decision, not just for ourselves, but for the benefit of others, to apply the good that we know and have learned, to be of service to our fellow sojourners in this earthly incarnation, for none of us is an island, for we all are of the same substance, and thereby we all are in this very thing together, and thereby by aiding and abetting one another, we together are able to get closer to that which we so ardently desire to be close to.
The very qualities that help to make and to bring out the best of mankind, such as truth, integrity, justice, fairness, patience, consideration, and empathy, are the same attributes that make up our God, of which, it is our expressed duty to demonstrate in action, that these aren't just of the abstract, but that they clearly have made and continue to make a material and spiritual difference in the outcome of our lives as well as for others, now and into the future, of which those that are the best of pupils, have learned and thereby have applied these characteristics through their interactions day-by-day, thereby proving that they are of that good substance, through their chosen deeds and activities.
Each of us is here for a purpose, of which some of us, explicitly understand and know that purpose; whereas others through that still small voice that is innate to them implicitly know such, as well. The object of the exercise, therefore, is as about as straightforward as any could ever be, which is to do what is good and right, as often as we can, and for as many other people that we can, for we are ultimately co-creators with our God of this world, and as co-creators we must be functionally true to that which is Truth, itself.