There was a time such as in Ireland, in which, some of those that were pregnant but unmarried, were sent to Catholic reform institutions of which the ostensible purpose of such was to provide a sanctuary of sorts, for the protection and of the benefit for the mother as well as for her child; in addition to providing a format for these unwed mothers to learn a trade. Regrettably, this is not how things worked out, whatsoever; of which there were all sorts of missteps, abuses, and just plain very bad acts and bad actions that occurred against these unmarried women, as well as some of the children so born, and subsequently some children died from the lack of proper care or neglect by those institutions. Yet, there probably wasn't going to be a good and fair outcome in this program, anyhow; when the burden of the guilt so directed against these ladies, seemingly addressed them alone, for their sinfulness and wickedness, without addressing wholeheartedly the fact that the male party to such, apparently always got off scot-free.
After all, it takes two to create a pregnancy of which one party carries the proof of such, whereas the other partly, does not; but the man is just as responsible for that pregnancy, as the woman so involved, if not in some cases, more so. Further to the point, reformation cannot ever be complete, if only half of the parties are required to own up to it, whereas the other half, seemingly are permitted to be about their business, without ever subsequently being held accountable. So that, one person pays dearly for that which has been done, whereas, the other person pays nothing at all. So too, when perpetrators and instigators are permitted to continue to ply their trade, without consequences, then there are going to be a continual supply of young woman that are going to be in that same impregnated predicament, because the conditions that create such, have not been consciously addressed; as well as the fact that the supposed solution to the problem, effectively only places out of sight what is occurring, without a fair resolution to such.
Obviously, it must have been a man's world, back then, for it was solely the woman that was made to pay the price for their alleged illicit interaction with a man. Disappointingly, this error was compounded when those respected institutions were thereby allowed to effectively take control of a sovereign individual and even their offspring in which the general credulous public believed that some sort of reform was occurring behind the scenes for the benefit of those individuals as well as for society in general; when, in fact, to a great extent, this was seen as an opportunity by those respected institutions to dominate these women, as well as their children, and to thereby exploit, abuse, and to take advantage of them.
So then, for any sort of fair justice to occur in any meaningful way, this always necessitates a reasonably thorough exploration of what the given circumstances so represent, of which, to have just one party answer for the "crime", whereas the other party is left alone, cannot ever be justice or morally right, and therefore there can never be a fair resolution or true reformation to such, until those relevant issues have instead been fully acknowledged and dealt with, forthrightly.