Which should you more properly fear -- a terrorist or the police? / by kevin murray

This government spends an incredible amount of money defending its homeland from terrorists that are bent on killing American civilians, of which we are sold the terrifying story that there could be a terrorist attack upon us, at any given moment, and on any given day.  Yet, the actual statistics about how many Americans are killed by terrorists, let alone, Islamic terrorists, each year, paints an entirely different picture.  For instance, in the years 2010-2019, it is estimated that about 216 Americans died from terrorist attacks in America, or about 22 people per year; of which the deadliest killings during that decade were the Orlando nightclub massacre as well as the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay massacre, in which the perpetrators of such were both native born American citizens.


On the other hand, on a yearly basis, and as reported by the washingtonpost.com,  in reference to the years, 2015-2018, "… in each of the past four years police nationwide have shot and killed almost the same number of people - nearly 1,000."  To get a better perspective of just how many people that are killed by police officers in America as compared to other western nations, we find that in 2019, the United States police killed 1099 people, whereas German police killed just 11, and England police only killed 3.  The fact that these numbers in comparison to the United States seem astonishingly low, even well-nigh civilized, should be seen as an absolutely horrifying indictment upon the lethal violence so perpetrated by our domestic police upon its own, and demonstrates in principle the incredible chasm between how insanely violent our country is via its policing policies, as compared to other western nations, having similar demographics.


The bottom line is that clearly citizens of this nation, need to be far more concerned  and thereby fearful about their own police, who are ironically sworn to protect and to serve the people, then those that profess an abiding hatred towards America and what it so represents.  What makes the police violence against their own citizens, even more frightening, is that there really isn't any way that a citizen can prepare or protect themselves from being killed in cold blood by the police; for the police in this country are permitted to essentially utilized their lethal weapons at will, with typically no negative repercussions, along with the salient fact that police officers have been permitted and continue to be permitted to exercise "no-knock"  warrants, under the most dubious of circumstances; along with police officers also being sanctioned to stop and frisk anyone that they so desire, as well as being authorized, directly or indirectly, to shoot to kill, defenseless civilians.


The narrative that the police want to sell, as well as by those that support and actuate their actions, is that America and its citizens are extremely violent, and in order to take down these dangerous and well armed civilians, the police must be permitted to shoot first and often, for without such authorization, America would soon devolve into utter chaos, rioting, and wholesale destruction.    So then, in effect, the only applicable rule of law in this country, is the "law of the jungle", and those that are up on the watchtower, searching for our enemies, are looking in all of the wrong places, for the fearful enemy is amongst us; armed, authorized, and very dangerous.