All sorts of people have all sorts of ideas about what life or what the meaning of life really is all about, of which some of those theories and opinions certainly make good sense. The thing is, in the great skeins of time, there isn't any real good reason to over-think what you should or shouldn't be doing on a daily basis, because at its essence, life is about love and the acceptance of others, with love. For, if you do just that, which seems to be something that all are capable of, you thereby are true to that which is the truth.
In point of fact, life consists mainly of our interactions with others, of which some of those interactions are deliberate and by design, whereas some are required per the dictates of our circumstances. Those that are able to keep foremost in their mind and thereby by their words and actions, that each person that they are connected to has value, and should consequently always be seen as being valued; and further are able to see that each one of us has been created equally with an equal right to the same unalienable rights, are subsequently going to be the type of people that treat others with the inherent respect and accord, that all are equally entitled to. On the other hand, those that see others, as things to be used and/or exploited, that effectively ignore the humanity of another, especially when circumstances favor them in doing so for their own personal advantage, are not loving, but rather are those that play unfairly, in order to primarily benefit themselves or those that mean the most to them.
We see that in all the various games that people play, too many of them, that are playing these games, have not bothered to take the time to actually read closely that the same fundamental rules actually apply to every single game, without exception. For, to believe, that that which is unjust can ever successfully rule over that which is just is mistaken; or to believe that war of whatever stripe or color, will bring forth a good and lasting peace is misguided; or that those that fail to recognize the validity of their neighbor, because they refuse to take into account the innate substance of all others as actually being the same, is wrong. In all of this, mankind has deliberately walked away from love, to replace such with something that is lesser, in the wrong belief that by doing so, that they will ultimately be happier, wealthier, or more satisfied.
The love that everyone needs cannot be bought, for it never is for sale; yet, this gift of love to each one of us, is priceless, though far too many are far too quick to trade that love for that which is transient and ultimately harmful. If a world without love or a world that is lacking in love, seems to be the world that you desire, then look around at all the troubles in this world, and recognize that the root of those troubles stems forth because too many do not love and lack love within their mindset. The purpose of life for mankind on this world is as straightforward as this: to rise above the limits of an animal kingdom mentality, and to recognize in truth that only those that love and are love are in actual accordance to that which is both eternal and timeless.