All those that are in power, do not typically countenance any threat to that power. This means, that those that are the rulers of the people, no matter how they achieved that power, or what they have promised to do or not do with such power, are often beholden first to that power, and secondly to the people that they have responsibility to, by virtue of having that power. This indicates that people should, as much as possible, hold those that have power, responsible to how that power is applied and utilized; for if not, power has a way of taking onto itself, even more power at the expense of the people; though there are exceptions to that general rule, for some in power, are, in fact, great representatives of the people.
In general, though, those that are in power don't often wish to have that power challenged or even questioned by the people. So that when those in authority, offer a forum in which the people have a voice, such is often done more as a ritual, then of something that will in the scheme of things, have substance in subsequent action so taken -- though words may indeed be written, and even promises committed to; but it is in the follow through, that determines whether the people's voice has actually been listened to and thereby adhered to.
In reality, the vast majority of those that are in power, simply desire that the people, passively obey them in all that they enact and do. We find that for a minority of those in power, they believe that they alone truly know best, and therefore, desire that the people adhere to their commands, because they consider their dictates to actually be in the people's overall best interest. Those of the more cynical and selfish nature, want passive obedience from the people, primarily to benefit and to consolidate their own power, as well as to enhance and to placate those powers-to-be that are behind the scenes, who will make sure to reward copiously those that consciously benefit those hidden powers.
The thing about rulers and those that are ruled is that the rulers are always in the minority in numbers and those that are ruled are always in the majority, so that a general public, that is independent, free thinking, and actively engaged, is always going to be a bit troubling or even more so for governments; not because the people don't have good ideas and not because their heart is not in the right place, but primarily because they do have good ideas and their heart is in the right place, for most rulers are in it for themselves, and aren't interested in any form of government, that actually enacts in principle laws and governance that is of, for, and by the people.
So then, in order for those in power to hold onto that power, when such clearly is demonstrated to be prejudicial and favorable primarily for the elite, whereas, on the other hand, such is clearly detrimental and destructive to the people as a whole; the state must have the means therefore to distract as much as possible the people from the reality of their situation by making sure to provide to all of the people plenty of mindless entertainment, as well as having in abundance a steady supply of substances that will fog their mind, while also making sure to keep them well fed; for a population that has good wine, women, and song, has a much stronger tendency to passively obey its rulers.