We live in an age in which those that do not desire to believe in, or to worship their Creator, have that choice, for better or for worse. However, it must be stated, that those that deny an immutable truth in a manner in which thereby their behavior and mindset are adversely impacted, have done so to their own destruction; for God needs no acknowledgement that God exists from anyone or any source, because God's existence, preeminence, omnipresence, omnipotence, and immortality, is that undeniable truth, whether certain members of mankind wish to recognize or corrupt such or not.
Further to the point, while there are plenty of people that claim that they do not believe in or purposefully fail to recognize the sovereignty of God, this does not in any way, form, or manner negate their being subject to God's law. So that, for instance, mankind need not acknowledge that gravity exists, yet gravity does so exist, signifying that the laws of gravity apply, whether consciously admitted to or not.
As mankind increases its knowledge, its technological knowhow, and its capacity to create breakthroughs in so many subject areas of interest, previously unaccomplished in the eons of time; this would seem to imply that mankind would be more cognizant that this world has a Master Designer behind it, and therefore to know that Master Designer, would better allow mankind to know its own self as well as this world. But, in actuality, far too many intelligent representatives of mankind aggrandize onto their own minds and thoughts, that they are, in their own way, gods, and need not thereby concern themselves with the recognition or the acknowledgement that they are instruments of the One God.
To not recognize God, is an error, but it need not be a fatal error, if the behavior and actions by those that profess no belief, are consistent with them being good people, one to another, and thereby the accomplishments of those people being of benefit and of improvement for society, in whole. That is to say, those that conduct their affairs with their fellow sojourners on earth with the conscious and abiding recognition that all are equal, and thereby all are equally entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are behaving in a manner which is consistent with universal truth. In addition, all those that demonstrate in their interaction with others that we should treat one another in the manner that we so desire to be treated by another, are in harmony with that universal truth.
On the other hand, all those who deny God's law, whether because they do or do not believe that God exists, are still subject to God's law, regardless of their belief or lack of belief, therewith. Each one of us is gifted with a free will and thereby has the free choice to do whatever that it is that we so desire, subject to the constraints that operate upon this planet. But just as every action has a reaction, so too, everything that that we do, think, and accomplish, has consequences so attached to it, of which, denial that this law exists, does not negate that which must be own up to, sooner or later. Therefore, ignorance or denial of that which is -- will not ever liberate us from that universal law which is equally applicable to all.